targeted-options { backup backup; group group; primary primary; weight ($junos-interface-target-weight | weight-value); }
Hierarchy Level
[edit dynamic-profiles profile-name interfaces interface-name unit logical-unit-number] [edit dynamic-profiles profile-name interfaces interface-name interface-set interface-set-name] [edit interfaces interface-set interface-set-name targeted-distribution [edit interfaces interface-name unit logical-unit-number targeted-distribution
Configure primary and backup links, group similar subscribers, and specify a subscriber weight for manual targeting to distribute subscribers across aggregated Ethernet member links. The command is only available on the BNG User Planes.
backup | (Optional) Specify a backup member link per subscriber when you configure manual targeting. |
group | (Optional) Assign
a group name for subscribers with similar bandwidth usage. Subscribers
that are configured for targeted distribution without a group name
are added to the
primary | Specify a primary member link per subscriber when you configure manual targeting. You must always configure a primary link when you configure manual targeting. |
weight ($junos-interface-target-weight | weight-value) | Specify the weight for targeted subscribers like PPPoe, demux, and conventional VLANs based on factors such as customer preferences, class of service (CoS), or bandwidth requirement. Member links for logical interfaces of aggregated Ethernet logical interfaces are assigned based on the value of the weight. When a new VLAN is added to the same aggregated Ethernet bundle, then the primary member link selected for targeting is the one with the minimum primary load and the backup link selected for targeting is the one with the minimum overall load. The $junos-interface-target-weight predefined variable is supported for dynamic configuration only. When you configure this predefined variable, the weight value is sourced from VSA 26-213 in the RADIUS Access-Accept message when a dynamic subscriber is authenticated.
Required Privilege Level
interface—To view this statement in the configuration.
interface-control—To add this statement to the configuration.