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Sample Configuration Files

Read this section to find sample YAML configuration files for use in deploying Juniper Cloud-Native Router. These YAML files control the features and functions available to cloud-native router by affecting the deployment instructions. YAML files for workload configuration are also included. The workload configuration files control the workload functions.

We've included the following sample configuration files:

Use these files to understand the configuration options available for deployment of Juniper Cloud-Native Router. The workload configuration files display how you can configure trunk and access interfaces and configure various VLANs for each type. Each of the files contain comments that start with a hash mark (#) and are highlighted in bold in these examples.

  • values.yaml

    This is the main values.yaml file. There are 3 other values.yaml files supplied in the TAR file. 1 values.yaml for each of the installation components: jcnr-cni, jcnr-vrouter, and syslog-ng.

    If there are conflicting settings between the individual values.yaml files and the main values.yaml file, the settings in the main values.yaml file take precedence.

  • jcnr-vrouter specific values.yaml

    This values.yaml file is specific to the jcnr-vrouter Pod. It is located under the Juniper_Cloud_Native_Router_<release-number>/helm_charts/jcnr/charts/jcnr-vrouter directory. If you enter any values in this file that conflict with values in the main values.yaml file, the values in the main values.yaml file take precedence.

  • jcnr-cni specific values.yaml

    This values.yaml file is specific to the jcnr-cni Pod. The jcnr-cni specfic values.yaml file is located under the Juniper_Cloud_Native_Router_<release-number>/helm_charts/jcnr/charts/jcnr-cni directory. If you enter any values in this file that conflict with values in the main values.yaml file, the values in the main values.yaml file take precedence.

  • nad-dpdk_trunk_vlan_3002.yaml

  • nad-kernel_access_vlan_3001.yaml

  • nad-odu-bd3003-sub.yaml

  • nad-odu-bd3004-sub.yaml

  • odu-virtio-subinterface.yaml

  • pod-dpdk-trunk-vlan3002.yaml

  • pod-kernel-access-vlan-3001.yaml