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Configure Repository Credentials

SUMMARY Read this topic to understand how to configure the repository credentials for JCNR installation.

Use this procedure to configure your repository login credentials in your manifests.

  1. Install docker if you don't already have docker installed.
  2. Log in to the Juniper Networks repository where you pull the container images.

    Enter your login credentials when prompted.

    Once you've logged in, your credentials are automatically stored in ~/.docker/config.json. (If you installed docker using snap, then the credentials are stored in the ~/snap/docker directory hierarchy.)

  3. Encode your credentials in base64 and store the resulting string.
    Take a look at the encoded credentials.
  4. Navigate to Juniper_Cloud_Native_Router_<release-number>/helmchart directory. Replace the credentials placeholder in the manifest with the encoded credentials.
    The manifests have a <base64-encoded-credential> credentials placeholder. Simply replace the placeholder with the encoded credentials in all manifests.Double check by searching for the encoded credentials in the manifests.You should see the encoded credentials in the manifests.