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Deploy Prepackaged Images

Use this procedure to import JCNR images to the containerd runtime from the downloaded JCNR software package .

Your cluster can pull JCNR images from the repository or your cluster can use the JCNR images that are included in the downloaded JCNR software package.

This latter option is useful if your cluster doesn't have access to the Internet or if you want to set up your own repository.

Setting up your own repository is beyond the scope of this document, but your cluster can still use the included images if you manually import them to the containerd runtime on each cluster node running JCNR. Simply use the containerd runtime ctr images import command. We show you how to do this in the procedure below.

  1. Locate the image tarball in the Juniper_Cloud_Native_Router_<release>/images directory.
    The image tarball is called jcnr-images.tar.gz.
  2. Copy the image tarball to every node that you're installing JCNR.
  3. SSH to one of the nodes where you're installing JCNR.
  4. Gunzip the images tarball that you just copied over.
  5. Import the images to the containerd runtime.
  6. Check that the images have been imported.
  7. Repeat steps 3 to 6 on each node where you're installing JCNR.
When you install JCNR later on, the cluster first searches locally for the required images before reaching out to Since you manually imported the images locally on each node, the cluster finds the images locally and does not need to download them from an external source.