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Manage JCNR Licenses

SUMMARY Learn how to install and renew your JCNR license.

A JCNR license is required for you to use the containerized Routing Protocol Daemon (cRPD). JCNR licensing is aligned with the Juniper Agile Licensing (JAL) model. JAL ensures that features are used in compliance with Juniper's end-user license agreement. You can purchase licenses for JCNR software through your Juniper Networks representative.

For more information on JAL or for managing multiple license files for multiple JCNR deployments, see Juniper Agile Licensing Overview.


Starting with JCNR Release 23.2, the JCNR license format has changed. Request a new license key from the JAL portal before deploying or upgrading from a pre-23.2 release to this release.

Installing Your License

Use this procedure to install your JCNR license.

You must obtain your license file from your account team and install it in the jcnr-secrets.yaml file as described in the procedures in this section. Without the proper base64-encoded license key and root password in the jcnr-secrets.yaml file, the cRPD pod may sometimes not enter Running state, but remain in CrashLoopBackOff state.

  1. Encode your license in base64.
    where licenseFile is the license file that you obtained from Juniper Networks.

    The output of this command is your base64-encoded license.

  2. Copy and paste your base64-encoded license into secrets/jcnr-secrets.yaml.
    The secrets/jcnr-secrets.yaml file contains a parameter called crpd-license:

    If this is your first time adding your license, then replace <add your license in base64 format> with your base64-encoded license.

    If you're renewing your license, then replace your old base64-encoded license with your new base64-encoded license.

    Save and quit the file and continue with your installation.

Renewing Your License

Use this procedure to renew your JCNR license.

When your JCNR license expires, you'll receive a License Expired notification through syslog. Additionally, you can see the License Expired notification event in the JCNR notification log file (typically /var/log/jcnr/jcnr_notifications.json). The notification looks something like this: LICENSE_EXPIRED: License for feature Containerized routing protocol daemon with standard features(243) expired. Contact Juniper partner or account team.

All JCNR features continue to function even after your license expires but will cease to function the next time the cRPD pod restarts. To prevent this from occurring, contact your Juniper Networks representative as soon as possible to receive a new license.

When you receive your new license, follow these steps to renew your license in the current cluster:

  1. Follow Installing Your License to install your new license.
  2. Apply your new license to the cluster.
  3. Restart the cRPD pod(s) to pick up the new license.
    When you delete a cRPD pod, a new one (with the new license) will be instantiated in its place. If you have more than one cRPD pod, remember to delete them all.
  4. Verify that your license was installed properly.
    1. Access the cRPD pod.
    2. Enter CLI mode and show the license.
      The output should show that the containerized-rpd-standard license was installed.
      If the output shows that the license was not installed, then double check your steps or call Juniper Networks for support.