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Control Pod Scheduling on DPDK Nodes

SUMMARY Cloud-Native Contrail Networking release 22.2 supports a custom plugin that schedules pods based on node interface capacity. This plugin is comprised of several APIs that filter and select optimal DPDK nodes for pod assignment.

Pod Scheduling in Kubernetes

In Kubernetes, a scheduler monitors newly-created pods for pods with no node assignment. The scheduler attempts to assign these pods to suitable nodes using a filtering phase and a scoring phase. Potential nodes are filtered based on attributes like the resource requirements of a pod. If a node doesn't have the available resources for a pod, that node is filtered out. If more than one node passes the filtering phase, Kubernetes scores and ranks the remaining nodes based on their suitability for a given pod. The scheduler assigns a pod to the node with the highest ranking. If two nodes have the same score, the scheduler picks a node at random.

Kubernetes Scheduling Framework Overview

The Kubernetes Scheduling Framework adds new scheduling APIs to the default cluster scheduler for extended scheduling functionality. The framework performs a scheduling cycle and a binding cycle for each pod. The scheduling cycle selects an optimal node for a pod, and the binding cycle applies that decision to the cluster. The scheduling and binding cycles expose several extension points during the course of their individual cycles. Plugins are registered to be called at various extension points. For example, during the scheduling cycle, one of the exposed extension points is called Filter. When the scheduling cycling reaches the Filter extension point, Filter plugins are called to perform filtering tasks.

Contrail Custom Scheduler Overview

Cloud-Native Contrail Networking supports the deployment of DPDK nodes for high-throughput applications. DPDK nodes have a 32 VMI (Virtual Machine Interface) limit by default. This means that a DPDK node hosts a maximum of 32 pods. The Kubernetes default scheduler doesn't currently support a mechanism for recognizing DPDK node requirements and limitations. As a result, Cloud-Native Contrail Networking provides a custom scheduler built on top of the Kubernetes Scheduling Framework that implements a VMICapacity plugin to support pod scheduling on DPDK nodes.

Contrail Custom Scheduler Implementation in Cloud-Native Contrail Networking

Cloud-Native Contrail Networking Custom Scheduler supports a VMICapacity plugin which implements Filter, Score, and NormalizeScore extension points in the scheduler framework. See the sections below for more information about these extension points.

Figure 1: Contrail Custom Scheduler Extension Points Contrail Custom Scheduler Extension Points


These plugins filter out nodes that cannot run the pod. Nodes are filtered based on VMI capacity. If a node has the maximum amount of allocated pods, that node is filtered out and the scheduler marks the pod as unusable on that node. Non-DPDK nodes are also filtered out in this phase based on user-configured nodeLabels that identify DPDK nodes.


These plugins rank nodes that passed the filtering phase. The scheduler calls a series of scoring plugins for each node. In Cloud-Native Contrail Networking, a node's score is based on the number of VMIs currently active in the node. If only one node passes the Filter stage, the Score and NormalizeScore extension points are skipped and the scheduler assigns the pod to that node.


These plugins modify node scores before the scheduler computes a final ranking of nodes. The number of active VMIs on a node determines that node's score. The higher the number of active VMIs, the lower the score, and vice versa. The score is normalised in the range of 0-100. After the NormalizeScore phase, the scheduler combines node scores for all plugins according to the configured plugin weights defined in the scheduler configuration.

Deploy the Kubernetes Scheduling Framework as a Secondary Scheduluer

Follow these high-level steps to deploy the Contrail Custom Scheduler as a secondary scheduler that runs alongside your default Kubernetes scheduler:

  1. Create configuration files for your custom scheduler.
  2. Create a vanilla deployment with proper volume mounts and flags for your scheduler configurations.
  3. Verify the pod(s) that you want the custom scheduler to schedule.

See the sections below for more information.

Create Configuration Files for Your Custom Scheduler

The custom scheduler requires a kubeconfig and a scheduler configuration file. Consider the following sample scheduler configuration file:

Note the following fields:

  • schedulerName: The name of the custom scheduler. This name must be unique to a cluster. You must define this field if you want a pod to be scheduled using this scheduler.
  • kubeconfig: The path to the kubeconfig file mounted on the pod's filesystem.
  • maxVMICount: The maximum number of VMIs a DPDK node accommodates.
  • nodeLabels: A set of labels identifying a group of DPDK nodes.
  • VMICapacity: The name of the plugin that enables Kubernetes to determine VMI capacity for DPDK nodes.

Create a Vanilla Deployment with Proper Volume Mounts and Flags for Your Scheduler Configurations

Ensure that you don’t have more than one instance of a scheduler deployment running on a single node as this results in a port conflict. Use node affinity rules or a DaemonSet in order to run multiple instances of a scheduler on separate node in case of high availability (HA) requirements. Modify the scheduler configuration as needed in order to enable leader election. For more information about leader election, see the "Enable leader election section" of the following Kubernetes article: Configure Multiple Schedulers.

The following YAML file shows an example of a scheduler deployment:


You must create a namespace for the scheduler before launching a scheduler deployment YAML. The scheduler operates under the namespace that your create.

Verify the Pod(s) That You Want the Custom Scheduler to Schedule

The following pod manifest shows an example of a pod deployment using the secondary scheduler:

Note the schedulerName. This field tells Kubernetes which scheduler to use when deploying a pod. You must define this field in each pod's manifest that you want deployed this way. A pod's deployment state remains pending if the specified scheduler is not present in the cluster.