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Configure Management and Control Plane Authentication with TLS Encryption

SUMMARY This topic describes how to configure management and control plane authentication with TLS Encryption in Juniper Cloud-Native Contrail® Networking. Juniper Networks supports this feature using Contrail Networking Release 22.4 or later in a Kubernetes-orchestrated environment.


CN2 supports management and control plane authentication with TLS encryption. The TLS protocol is used for certificate exchange, mutual authentication, and negotiating ciphers to secure the stream from potential tampering and eavesdropping. In this topic, TLS-based XMPP is used to secure all XMPP communication that occurs in the networking environment.

You can generate certificates using one of the following tools:

  • cert-manager (default): The cert-manager tool adds certificates as resource types in Kubernetes clusters and simplifies the process of obtaining, renewing and using those certificates. By default, the certificate is valid for 10 years and automatically renews 15 days before its expiration date.

  • go-crypto: go-crypto is a cryptographic package you can use to generate certificates. This package is a lightweight generator that does not use containers. By default, the certificate is valid for 10 years, but is not automatically renewed.

Certificates are part of the deployment used to bring up CN2. In Kubernetes all certificates are translated to secrets. By default, the certificate and secrets for the Contrail control plane and vRouter are automatically generated in the ContrailCertificateManager CRD. If desired, you can also create certificates for other components, such as Sandesh and the Contrail API server.


Read through this list of considerations before you begin the configuration:

  • When a certificate is renewed, you must restart the pod.

  • You must enable TLS encryption for the Contrail control plane and vRouter, even though certificate is provided.

  • If you are creating your own CA (Certificate Authority) certificate, the secret must contain the keys tls.crt and tls.key.

Configure TLS Encryption for Contrail Control Plane and vRouter

Follow the steps in this procedure to easily configure TLS encryption for the Contrail control plane and vRouter.


By default, TLS encryption is enabled for XMPP and introspect for control and vRouter. If you prefer, you can disable TLS encryption by specifying the false variable under the spec field in your control and vRouter YAML files. For example:

To configure TLS encryption for the Contrail control plane and vRouter:

  1. Specify the generatortype, either cert-manager or go-crypto in ContrailCertificateManager. The default generator is cert-manager.
    In Kubernetes all certificates are translated to secrets. When you generate the certificate, the secrets are automatically created when you apply your deployment.yaml file.
    The following examples show certificates created in cert-manager and go-crypto for control and vRouter:

    Example using cert-manager:

    Example using gocrypto:
  2. Apply your deployment.yaml file to generate the certificate.
  3. Verify your configuration.

    Run the following kubectl commands to verify that the certificate and secrets were successfully generated.

    By default, the certificate and secrets are automatically generated in ContrailCertificateManager. You can also create secrets for other components or create your own CA (Certificate Authority) certificate.
    To create secrets for other components, specify the component(s) you want to use in either cert-manager or gocrypto. You can use one secret for multiple components.

    The available components are:

    • control-xmpp

    • vrouter-sandesh

    • control-sandesh

    • contrail-api-server

    • vrouter-xmpp

    If you did not enter a casecret in ContrailCertificateManager, a self-signed certificate is automatically created. This self-signed certificate is valid for 10 years.

    If desired, you can specify your own CA (Certificate Authority) certificate, as shown in the following example. The secret must contain the keys tls.crt and tls.key.

    Run the kubectl apply -f ca-key-pair.yaml command to apply the secret.