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Install Single Node OpenShift

SUMMARY Learn how to install single node OpenShift.

A single node OpenShift installation contains a single node that runs both the control plane and the workloads. The Contrail Controller and the Contrail data plane run on this single node.

Install Single Node OpenShift Using Assisted Installer

Use this procedure to install OpenShift on a single node using the Assisted Installer.

Single node OpenShift is only supported with user-managed networking.

  1. Follow the procedure in Install with User-Managed Networking Using Assisted Installer with exceptions noted in the following steps.
  2. Use the following deployment.json file.
    The additions are shown in bold:
  3. Boot your installation on one node only.

Install Single Node OpenShift Using ACM

Use this procedure to install OpenShift on a single node using ACM.

Single node OpenShift is only supported with user-managed networking.

  1. Follow the procedure in Install with User-Managed Networking Using ACM with exceptions noted in the following steps.
  2. Modify the mgmt-spoke1.yaml file to specify that there is only one agent.
  3. Boot your installation on one node only.