Upgrade CN2
Use this procedure to upgrade CN2 from a previous release to this release. If you want to upgrade CN2 from this release to some future release, then follow the upgrade procedure in the documentation for that future release.
The Contrail controller consists of Deployments and StatefulSets, which are configured for rolling updates. During the upgrade, the pods in each Deployment and StatefulSet are upgraded one at a time where applicable. The remaining pods in that Deployment or StatefulSet remain operational. This enables Contrail controller upgrades to be hitless.
The Contrail data plane consists of a DaemonSet with a single vRouter pod. During the upgrade procedure, this single pod is taken down and upgraded. Because of this, Contrail data plane upgrades are not hitless. If desired, migrate traffic off of the node being upgraded prior to performing the upgrade.
You upgrade CN2 software by porting the contents of your existing manifests to the manifests for this release, and then applying the manifests for this release. All CN2 manifests must reference the same software release.
Ensure that this CN2 release is compatible with the OCP release that you're currently running. For the list of minimum compatible releases, see https://www.juniper.net/documentation/us/en/software/cn-cloud-native/cn2-tested-integrations/cn-cloud-native-tested-integrations/concept/cn-cloud-native-tested-integrations.html.
If this CN2 release is not compatible with the OCP release that you're currently running, then you'll need to upgrade OpenShift first. See Upgrade OpenShift.
Before you upgrade, check to make sure that each node has at least one allocatable pod
available. The upgrade procedure temporarily allocates an additional pod, which means that
your node cannot be running at maximum pod capacity when you perform the upgrade. You can
check pod capacity on a node by using the kubectl describe node