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Viewing the Device Inventory Page in Device View of Connectivity Services Director

The Device Inventory page lists devices managed by Connectivity Services Director and provides basic information about the devices, such as IP address and current operating status. The Device Inventory page is available in Build and Deploy mode and is the default landing page for Build mode.

The scope you have selected in the View pane and the network view that you have selected from the View selector determines which devices are listed in the Device Inventory page. For example:

  • If you are in the Device View and select My Network, all devices managed by Connectivity Services Director are listed.

The Device Inventory page provides three pie charts that summarize the status of the devices in your selected scope:

  • Devices by Family—Indicates the proportion of devices in each device family.

  • Connection State—Shows the proportion of devices that are up or down. In this chart, Virtual Chassis count as one device.

  • Configuration State—Shows the proportion of devices in each configuration state. See the Config State entry in Table 1 for definitions of the configuration states.

Mouse over a pie segment to view the actual number of devices and the percentage represented by that pie segment.

Table 1 describes the fields in the Device Inventory table.

Table 1: Fields in the Device Inventory Table




Configured name of the device or IP address if no hostname is configured.

IP Address

IP Address of the device.

Serial Number

Serial number of device chassis.


Model number of the device.

OS Version

Operating system version running on the device.

Device Family

Device family of the device, such as JUNOS for MX Series routers.

Device Type

Type of the device:

  • ROUTER—ACX Series routers, M Series routers, MX Series routers, and PTX Series routers

Connection State

Connection status of the device in Connectivity Services Director:

  • UP—Device is connected to Connectivity Services Director.

  • DOWN—Device is not connected to Connectivity Services Director.

  • N/A—Access point state is unavailable to Connectivity Services Director.

Config State

Displays the configuration status of the device:

  • In Sync—The configuration on the device is in sync with the Connectivity Services Director configuration for the device.

  • Out Of Sync—The configuration on the device does not match the Connectivity Services Director configuration for the device. This state is usually the result of the device configuration being altered outside of Connectivity Services Director.

    You cannot deploy configuration on a device from Connectivity Services Director when the device is Out Of Sync. To resolve this state, use the Resynchronize Device Configuration task in Deploy mode.

  • Sync failed—An attempt to resynchronize an Out Of Sync device failed.

  • Synchronizing—The device configuration is in the process of being resynchronized.

  • N/A—The device is down or is an access point.

Manageability State

Displays if the device is directly manageable or not.

This is a hidden field. To display the Manageability State field, click any column, click the down arrow to expand the list, select Columns from the list, and then enable Manageability State.


Juniper Networks devices require a license to activate the feature. To understand more about Connectivity Services Director Licenses, see, Licenses for Network Management. Please refer to the Licensing Guide for general information about License Management.