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Predefined Multipoint-to-Multipoint Ethernet Service Definitions

The Connectivity Services Director application provides predefined service definitions that a service provisioner can choose from when creating a service order. This section provides information about predefined service definitions used for creating mutlipoint-to-multipoint Ethernet services. For information about predefined service definitions used to create E-Line service definitions or point-to-multipoint service definitions, see the following topics:

If none of the multipoint-to-multipoint predefined service definitions described here is appropriate for your needs, you can create a service definition as described in Creating a Multipoint-to-Multipoint E-LAN Service Definition.

The Connectivity Services Director application provides predefined service definitions for E-LAN services that use BGP switching in the network core. These services are sometimes known as E-LAN services. This section covers multipoint-to-multipoint (or full mesh) service definitions. Figure 1 shows an example of such a service.

Figure 1: Multipoint-to-Multipoint ServiceMultipoint-to-Multipoint Service

Information specific to each service instance, such as the device name, endpoint name, and customer VLAN ID, is provided in the service order. Attributes that can apply across many service instances are typically defined in the service definition. These attributes include:

  • Ethernet option (dot1.q, port-port, qinq, asymmetric tag depth)

  • Traffic type (single VLAN, VLAN range, all traffic, VLAN list)

  • VLAN normalization

  • Physical interface encapsulation

  • Logical interface encapsulation

  • Rate limit range

Table 1 lists each of the standard E-LAN service definitions. Each standard service definition is then described in detail in the sections that follow.

Table 1: Standard Multipoint-to-Multipoint Service Definitions

Standard Service Definition Name

Service Attributes

ELAN-BGP-Dot1q-Normalized-VLAN-None Service Definition

  • Multipoint Ethernet service for M Series and MX Series devices

  • Gigabit Ethernet interfaces

  • Customer VLAN IDs are not preserved

  • 802.1Q endpoint interface types

  • Customer traffic is single VLAN

  • Flexible-ethernet-services physical encapsulation type

  • Rate limiting from 10 Mbps to 100 Mbps with 10 Mbps increment

ELAN-BGP-Dot1Q-SingleVLAN Service Definition

  • Multipoint Ethernet service for M Series or MX Series devices

  • Gigabit Ethernet interfaces

  • 802.1Q endpoint interface types

  • Customer traffic is single VLAN

  • Flexible-ethernet-services physical encapsulation type

  • Rate limiting from 10 Mbps to 100 Mbps with 10 Mbps increment

ELAN-BGP-PortBased Service Definition

  • Multipoint Ethernet service for M series and MX Series devices

  • Gigabit Ethernet interfaces

  • Port-based UNIs

  • Transports all customer traffic

  • Ethernet VPLS as physical encapsulation type

  • Rate limiting from 10 Mbps to 100 Mbps with 10 Mbps increment

ELAN-BGP-QinQ-AllVLAN Service Definition

  • Multipoint Ethernet service for M Series and MX Series devices

  • Gigabit Ethernet interfaces

  • Q-in-Q endpoint interface types

  • All customer traffic

  • Flexible-ethernet-services physical encapsulation type

  • Rate limiting from 10 Mbps to 100 Mbps with 10 Mbps increment

ELAN-BGP-QinQ-AllVLAN-Normalized-All Service Definition

  • Multipoint Ethernet service for M Series and MX Series devices

  • Gigabit Ethernet interfaces

  • Customer VLAN IDs preserved

  • Q-in-Q endpoint interface types

  • All customer traffic

  • Flexible-ethernet-services physical encapsulation type

  • Rate limiting from 10 Mbps to 100 Mbps with 10 Mbps increment

ELAN-BGP-QinQ-AllVLAN-Normalized-None Service Definition

  • Multipoint Ethernet service for M Series and MX Series devices

  • Gigabit Ethernet interfaces

  • Q-in-Q endpoint interface types

  • VLAN IDs not preserved

  • All customer traffic

  • Flexible-ethernet-services physical encapsulation type

  • Rate limiting from 10 Mbps to 100 Mbps with 10 Mbps increment

ELAN-BGP-QinQ-Range-Normalized-VLAN Service Definition

  • Multipoint Ethernet service for MX Series devices only

  • Gigabit Ethernet interfaces

  • Customer VLAN IDs preserved

  • Q-in-Q endpoint interface types

  • Transports specified VLAN range

  • Flexible Ethernet services physical encapsulation type

  • Rate limiting from 10 Mbps to 100 Mbps with 10 Mbps increment

ELAN-BGP-Dot1q-Normalized-VLAN-None Service Definition

This service definition provides a base for creating multipoint-to-multipoint Ethernet services that transport traffic from a single VLAN on an endpoint across a BGP network core using 802.1Q endpoint interface types and flexible-ethernet-services as the physical encapsulation type. VLAN IDs are not preserved across the network—traffic passes from the single VLAN on an endpoint to any VLANs in the broadcast domain. Service provisioners can limit the bandwidth of services built from this service definition to specific values from 10 Mbps through 100 Mbps.

The following sections show the configuration data on each endpoint when you use this service definition to create the service shown in Figure 1:

Configuration on Endpoint A

The following statements show the interface configuration, the filter configuration, and connectivity configuration on endpoint A (device IND):

Configuration on Endpoint B

The following statements show the interface configuration, the filter configuration, and connectivity configuration on endpoint B (device BLR):

Configuration on Endpoint Z

The following statements show the interface configuration, the filter configuration, and connectivity configuration on endpoint Z (device SJC):

ELAN-BGP-Dot1Q-SingleVLAN Service Definition

This service definition provides a base for creating multipoint-to-multipoint Ethernet services that transport traffic on a single VLAN across a BGP network core using 802.1Q endpoint interface types and flexible-ethernet-services as the physical encapsulation type. No VLAN mapping is performed—the VLAN ID must be the same on all endpoints. Service provisioners can limit the bandwidth of services built from this service definition to specific values from 10 Mbps through 100 Mbps.

The following sections show the configuration data on each endpoint when you use this service definition to create the service shown in Figure 1:

Configuration on Endpoint A

The following statements show the interface configuration, the filter configuration, and connectivity configuration on endpoint A (device IND):

Configuration on Endpoint B

The following statements show the interface configuration, the filter configuration, and connectivity configuration on endpoint B (device BLR):

Configuration on Endpoint Z

The following statements show the interface configuration, the filter configuration, and connectivity configuration on endpoint Z (device SJC):

ELAN-BGP-PortBased Service Definition

This service definition provides a base for creating multipoint-to-multipoint Ethernet services that transport all traffic on an entire port across a BGP network core using ethernet-vpls as the physical encapsulation type. Service provisioners can limit the bandwidth of services built from this service definition to specific values from 10 Mbps through 100 Mbps.

The following sections show the configuration data on each endpoint when you use this service definition to create the service shown in Figure 1:

Configuration on Endpoint A

The following statements show the interface configuration, the filter configuration, and connectivity configuration on endpoint A (device IND):

Configuration on Endpoint B

The following statements show the interface configuration, the filter configuration, and connectivity configuration on endpoint B (device BLR):

Configuration on Endpoint Z

The following statements show the interface configuration, the filter configuration, and connectivity configuration on endpoint Z (device SJC):

ELAN-BGP-QinQ-AllVLAN Service Definition

This service definition provides a base for creating multipoint-to-multipoint Ethernet services that transport all traffic across a BGP network core using Q-in-Q endpoint interface types and flexible-ethernet-services as the physical encapsulation type. No VLAN mapping is performed—customer VLAN IDs and service provider VLAN IDs must match on each endpoint that is to send or receive traffic. Service provisioners can limit the bandwidth of services built from this service definition to specific values from 10 Mbps through 100 Mbps.

The following sections show the configuration data on each endpoint when you use this service definition to create the service shown in Figure 1:

Configuration on Endpoint A

The following statements show the interface configuration, the filter configuration, and connectivity configuration on endpoint A (device IND):

Configuration on Endpoint B

The following statements show the interface configuration, the filter configuration, and connectivity configuration on endpoint B (device BLR):

Configuration on Endpoint Z

The following statements show the interface configuration, the filter configuration, and connectivity configuration on endpoint Z (device SJC):

ELAN-BGP-QinQ-AllVLAN-Normalized-All Service Definition

This service definition provides a base for creating multipoint-to-multipoint Ethernet services that transport all traffic across a BGP network core using Q-in-Q endpoint interface types and flexible-ethernet-services as the physical encapsulation type. Customer VLAN IDs are preserved across the network—traffic passes only among matching customer VLAN IDs. However, traffic can pass among any service provider VLAN ID in the broadcast domain. Service provisioners can limit the bandwidth of services built from this service definition to specific values from 10 Mbps through 100 Mbps.

The following sections show the configuration data on each endpoint when you use this service definition to create the service shown in Figure 1:

Configuration on Endpoint A

The following statements show the interface configuration, the filter configuration, and connectivity configuration on endpoint A (device IND):

Configuration on Endpoint B

The following statements show the interface configuration, the filter configuration, and connectivity configuration on endpoint B (device BLR):

Configuration on Endpoint Z

The following statements show the interface configuration, the filter configuration, and connectivity configuration on endpoint Z (device SJC):

ELAN-BGP-QinQ-AllVLAN-Normalized-None Service Definition

This service definition provides a base for creating multipoint-to-multipoint Ethernet services that transport all traffic across a BGP network core using Q-in-Q endpoint interface types and flexible-ethernet-services as the physical encapsulation type. VLAN IDs are not preserved across the network—traffic passes between any customer VLAN or service provider VLAN in the broadcast domain. Service provisioners can limit the bandwidth of services built from this service definition to specific values from 10 Mbps through 100 Mbps.

The following sections show the configuration data on each endpoint when you use this service definition to create the service shown in Figure 1:

Configuration on Endpoint A

The following statements show the interface configuration, the filter configuration, and connectivity configuration on endpoint A (device IND):

Configuration on Endpoint B

The following statements show the interface configuration, the filter configuration, and connectivity configuration on endpoint B (device BLR):

Configuration on Endpoint Z

The following statements show the interface configuration, the filter configuration, and connectivity configuration on endpoint Z (device SJC):

ELAN-BGP-QinQ-Range-Normalized-VLAN Service Definition

This service definition provides a base for creating multipoint-to-multipoint Ethernet services that transport traffic from a range of VLANs on an endpoint across a BGP network core using Q-in-Q endpoint interface types and flexible-ethernet-services as the physical encapsulation type. Services built from this service definition must use MX Series devices on the provider edge. Customer VLAN IDs are preserved across the network—traffic passes among like customer VLAN IDs on any service provider VLAN in the broadcast domain. Service provisioners can limit the bandwidth of services built from this service definition to specific values from 10 Mbps through 100 Mbps.

The following sections show the configuration data for a service with only two endpoints, SJC and SFO.

Configuration on Endpoint A

The following statements show the interface configuration, the filter configuration, and connectivity configuration on endpoint A (device SJC):

Configuration on Endpoint Z

The following statements show the interface configuration, the filter configuration, and connectivity configuration on endpoint Z (device SFO):