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Accessing the Services Activation Director GUI

Before You Begin:

From Connectivity Services Director Release 2.0 onwards, you can also access the Services Activation Director GUI interface to launch workspaces to configure functionalities. You must install Junos Space Platform before trying to access the Services Activation Director GUI, perform the following steps after Junos Space Platform is installed:


The appendixes at the end of this documentation describes the workspaces and functionalities that you can configure using the Services Activation Director GUI. The applications in the Services Activation Director suite are a legacy implementation that provide backward compatibility and are no longer recommended for use. Although you can configure features such as service orders and service definitions using the Services Activation Director GUI, we recommend that you use the Network Services utility of the Connectivity Services Director GUI to define such capabilities. The older look-and-feel of the GUI might be removed completely in a future release. In Connectivity Services Director Release 2.0, the Service Templates, and Threshold Alarm Profile workspaces or windows of the Network Activate application of the Services Activation Director suite are not implemented. You can use the Services Activation Director GUI to navigate to these workspaces and configure the corresponding functionalities.


The software image for Connectivity Services Director Release 2.0 enables you to install the Connectivity Services Director GUI. Also, Network Activate, Transport Activate, OAM Insight, and Sync Design are installed and presented in the same look-and-feel as Services Activation Director, after you install Connectivity Services Director. The Representational State Transfer (REST) APIs for Connectivity Services Director are installed along with the GUI.

To access the Services Activation Director GUI:

  1. Log in to Junos Space by using the following URL:

    where n.n.n.n is the IP address of the Junos Space Web interface.

    The Junos Space login page appears.

  2. Enter your login credentials, such as the username and password, and click Log In.

    The Junos Space Platform GUI is displayed.

  3. Select Services Activation Director from the Applications list on the left pane of the Junos Space user interface.

    The Services Activation Director GUI is launched.

    Alternatively, if you select Connectivity Services Director from the Applications list on the left pane of the Junos Space user interface, the Connectivity Services Director GUI is launched.