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Clearing LSP Statistics

When you clear LSP statistics on a device using Connectivity Services Director, the operation releases the routes and states associated with MPLS label-switched paths (LSPs), and starts new LSPs. This GUI operation is equivalent to entering the clear mpls lsp command on a device using the Junos OS CLI interface. This command disconnects existing Resource Reservation Protocol (RSVP) sessions on the ingress routing device. If there is a time lag between the old path being torn down and the new path being set up, this command might impact traffic traveling along the LSPs.

To clear the label-switched path (LSP) statistical details for an LSP service:

  1. From the View selector, select Service View. The functionalities that you can configure in this view are displayed.
  2. Click the Monitor mode icon in the Service View of the Connectivity Services Director banner. The workspaces that are applicable to this mode are displayed.
  3. From the Service View pane, click the plus sign (+) beside the Network Services > Tunnel > LSPs tree and select the service for which you want to reset the LSP statistics. The service statistical details are displayed in the middle pane.
  4. From the task pane, which is displayed on the rightmost pane, select Tasks > Clear LSP Statistics. The Clear LSP Statistics task enables you to delete all the LSP statistics associated with the selected service. A dialog box appears, prompting you to confirm the deletion. The device name and LSPs associated with the device are displayed. In this dialog box, you can also choose to delete the LSP statistics on devices.
  5. Select the Clear LSP Statistics from Devices check box to clear the statistics from devices. This operation is equivalent to the clear mpls lsp command that you can run from the Junos OS CLI interface. If you select the Clear LSP Statistics from Devices check box, the statistics are cleared on the device for all the LSPs in the service, in addition to being removed from the Connectivity Services director database. Otherwise, the LSP statistics are only reset in the application database and not on the device.
  6. Click OK to confirm; alternatively, click Cancel to discard this operation.