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Resynchronizing Device Configuration

A network managed by Connectivity Services Director has three repositories of information about the configuration of a network device—the configuration stored on the device itself, the device configuration record maintained by Junos Space, and the Build mode configuration maintained by Connectivity Services Director.

When the configuration contained in all three repositories match, the device configuration state is shown as In Sync in Connectivity Services Director. When the repositories do not match, the configuration state is shown as Out of Sync. A common cause for this state is out-of-band configuration changes—that is, configuration changes made to a device outside of Connectivity Services Director.

When a device state is Out of Sync, you cannot deploy configuration changes on the device in Deploy mode. Use the Resynchronize Device Configuration task to resynchronize the three configuration repositories and change the device configuration state back to In Sync.

How the Resynchronize Device Configuration task performs the resynchronization depends on the system of record (SOR) mode setting for the Junos Space Network Management Platform:

  • When Junos Space is in network as system of record (NSOR) mode, the device is considered the system of record for configuration. When you resynchronize a device when Junos Space is in NSOR mode, both the Junos Space configuration record and the Connectivity Services Director Build mode configuration are updated to reflect the device configuration—in other words, the out-of-band configuration changes are incorporated into both the Junos Space and the Connectivity Services Director configuration repositories.

  • When Junos Space is in Junos Space as system of record (SSOR) mode, you can choose whether accept or reject the out-of-band changes reflected in the device configuration. If you accept the changes, both the Junos Space configuration record and the Connectivity Services Director Build mode configuration are updated to reflect the device configuration. If you reject the changes, the out-of-band changes are rolled back on the device so that the device configuration matches the Junos Space configuration record and the Connectivity Services Director Build mode configuration.

For more information about out-of-band configuration changes, Junos Space SOR modes, and how Connectivity Services Director resynchronizes device configuration, see Understanding Resynchronization of Device Configuration.

This topic covers:

The Resynchronize Device Configuration List of Devices

The Resynchronize Device Configuration page displays a list of all devices in the selected scope whose configuration was successfully imported during device discovery and whose configuration state is now Out Of Sync. You can select devices from this list and resynchronize them.

Table 1 describes the fields in the list of devices.

Table 1: Resynchronize Device Configuration Fields




Device hostname or device IP address.

IP address

IP address of device.


Model number of the device.

OS Version

Operating system version currently running on the device.

Connection State

Connection state:

  • UP—Connectivity Services Director is connected to the device

  • DOWN—Connectivity Services Director cannot connect to the device

Configuration State

Shows the configuration state of the device:

  • Out Of Sync—The device configuration is out of sync with either the Connectivity Services Director Build mode configuration or the Junos Space configuration record or both.

  • Resynchronizing—The device configuration is in the process of being resynchronized.

  • Sync Failed—The resynchronization attempt failed.

If the resynchronization is successful, the device is removed from the table.

Local Changes

Specifies whether configuration changes have been made in Build mode and are pending deployment on the device.

  • None—There are no configuration changes pending deployment.

  • View—There are configuration changes that are pending deployment. Click View to view the changes. These changes will be lost if you resynchronize the Build mode configuration to match the device configuration.


The Pending Changes window that appears when you click View allows you to see what profiles have been added, modified, or changed. However, because the device is not in sync, you cannot view the specific changes in CLI or XML format.

Network Changes

Indicates whether you can view the out-of-band changes:

  • None—The out-of-band changes are not available for viewing. You cannot view out-of-band changes in NSOR mode. In SSOR mode, you cannot view the out-of-band changes if they are already resolved in Junos Space—that is, the device configuration state in Junos Space is In Sync.

  • View—You can view the out-of-band changes made on the device. Click View to view the changes presented in XML format.

Resynchronizing Devices When Junos Space Is in NSOR Mode

To resynchronize devices when the Junos Space Network Application Platform is in NSOR mode:

  1. On the Resynchronization Device Configuration page, select the device or devices that you want to resynchronize.
  2. (Optional) View any pending changes to a device’s configuration in Connectivity Services Director by clicking View in the Local Changes column. These pending changes are deleted when you resynchronize the device.
  3. Click Resynchronize Configuration.

    The Resychronize Device Configuration Results window appears. This window will be updated with status of the resynchronization when the resynchronization completes.

Resynchronizing Devices When Junos Space Is in SSOR Mode

To resynchronize devices when the Junos Space Network Management Platform is in SSOR mode:

  1. On the Resynchronization Device Configuration page, select the device or devices that you want to resynchronize.
  2. (Optional) View any pending changes to a device’s configuration in Connectivity Services Director by clicking View in the Local Changes column. These pending changes are deleted if you accept the out-of-band changes when you resynchronize the device.
  3. (Optional) View the out-of-band configuration changes by selecting View in the Network Changes column. If you accept the out-of-band changes when you resynchronize the device, these changes will be reflected in the Build mode configuration. If you reject the out-of-band changes when you resynchronize the devices, these changes will be deleted from the device. For more information about viewing the out-of-band changes, see Viewing the Network Changes.

    Out-of-band changes that were made with the Junos Space configuration editor or that were already accepted in Junos Space are not shown. Such changes also cannot be rejected.

  4. Click Resynchronize Configuration.
  5. In the Confirm dialog box:
    • Click Accept device changes if you want to accept the out-of-band changes.

    • Click Reject device changes if you want to reject the out-of-band changes and have the configuration that existed on the device before the out-of-band changes were made be reinstated.

    click Submit.

    The Resychronize Device Configuration Results window appears. This window will be updated with status of the resynchronization when the resychronization completes.


Device changes made by the Junos Space configuration editor or device changes that have been accepted in Junos Space cannot be rejected. Even if you select Reject device changes, these changes will not be rejected and instead will be incorporated into the Build mode configuration.

Resynchronizing Devices in Manual Approval Mode

When out-of-band changes exist, device resynchronization merges the changes done by using the CLI with the local changes provided that there are no conflicts. If there are conflicting changes, the changes made using the CLI take precedence over the local changes. Therefore, configuration changes that are part of a change request might be lost. The configuration change requests that are lost are marked as Cancelled against the corresponding device. When device resynchronization is initiated for a device, a message is displayed that lists the change requests that will be lost because of conflicting CLI and local changes. All other changes remain unaffected.

Viewing the Network Changes

The Network Changes window shows the out-of-band configuration changes made to a device when Junos Space is in SSOR mode.

Not all out-of-band configuration changes are shown in this window. Configuration changes are shown only when the device configuration differs from the Junos Space configuration record—that is, when the device configuration state in Junos Space is not In Sync. For example, if the out-of-band changes were deployed from the Junos Space configuration editor or if the out-of-band changes were already accepted in Junos Space, the configuration changes will not appear in this window.

The configuration changes are shown in XML format. If there have been multiple out-of-band changes—that is, there has been more than one configuration commit, or save, on the device—the changes are grouped by each commit.

The following information is provided for each configuration commit:

  • junos:commit-seconds—Specifies the time when the configuration was committed as the number of seconds since midnight on 1 January 1970.

  • junos:commit-localtime—Specifies the time when the configuration was committed as the date and time in the device’s local time zone.

  • xmlns:junos—Specifies the URL for the DTD that defines the XML namespace for the tag elements.

  • junos:commit-user—Specifies the username of the user who requested the commit operation.

Viewing Resynchronization Job Status

The Resychronize Device Configuration Results window appears after you start a resynchronization job. This window is automatically updated with the resynchronization status for each device when the job completes.

You can also view the status of the resynchronization jobs using the Manage Jobs task in System mode. The following jobs are associated with resynchronization:

  • Resynch Network Elements—This job runs in NSOR mode and resynchronizes the Junos Space configuration record with the device configuration.

  • Resolve OOB Changes—This job runs in SSOR mode and resolves the out-of-band changes for Junos Space—either accepting the changes and updating the Junos Space configuration or rejecting the changes and rolling back the changes on the device.

  • Resynchronize devices—This job runs in both NSOR and SSOR mode and resynchronizes the Build mode configuration with the device configuration.