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Viewing Congestion Events

This topic describes how to view congestion events on a device. A congestion event occurs when congestion on a device port exceeds the configured threshold.

You can view congestion events only for devices that support Cloud Analytics Engine and that have the high-frequency traffic statistics feature enabled in Connectivity Services Director.

To view congestion events on a device, you must first do the following:

  • Configure the Data Learning Engine (DLE) settings under Preferences > Monitoring > Data Learning Engine Settings. The DLE is a component of Cloud Analytics Engine.

  • Enable high-frequency traffic statistics on the device and optionally configure thresholds.

To view congestion events on a device:

  1. In the View pane, select a device on which the high-frequency traffic statistics feature is enabled.
  2. Click Monitor in the Connectivity Services Director banner to open Monitor mode.
  3. In the Tasks pane, select Tasks > View Congestion Events. The View Congestion Events window opens.

The View Congestion Events window lists congestion events that occurred on the device during the time span of 1 minute. The table column headings are the seconds within the selected minute. Each row represents a device interface. Each cell represents the activity on that interface during that second. When congestion events occurred during that second, a bubble appears in the cell. The size of the bubble indicates how many congestion events occurred during that second. The color of the bubble indicates the severity of the congestion during that second: cooler colors indicate lower severity, and hotter colors indicate higher severity.

You can perform these actions in the View Congestion Events window :

  • Use the Select Hour and Select Minute lists to select the minute in which to display congestion events and then click Submit.

  • Mouse over a port name to change the bubbles in its row into the number of congestion events that occurred during each second.

  • Click a bubble to open a bar chart that shows detailed information about the congestion events that occurred during that second.