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Deploy Configuration Window

The Deploy Configuration window shows the results of a completed deployment job or information about a scheduled job. See Table 1 for a description of the fields in this window.

Table 1: Deploy Configuration Window



Job Name

Job name.

Job Start Time

Time when job started or will start.

Job End Time

Time when job ended.

Percentage Completed

Percentage of the job that is complete.

Number of Devices

Number of devices in the deployment job.

Deployed Devices table


Device name.

IP Address

Device IP address.

Deployment Status

Status of configuration deployment on device:

  • Scheduled—Job is scheduled for future deployment.

  • In Progress—Deployment is in progress.

  • Success—Deployment completed successfully.

  • Failed—Deployment failed.


Click View to see the configuration changes that were deployed to the device.

For a scheduled job, this column does not contain a link. See Deploying Services Configuration to Devices for information about viewing pending configuration changes for a device.

Result Details

Click View to see the results of configuration deployment for the device.


Click to close the window.