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Performing a Functional Audit for LSP Services

A functional audit determines whether a deployed service instance is functioning. It checks the control plane to ensure connectivity among endpoints and that the UNIs are functioning correctly. It also checks the data plane to verify packet transmission between each valid pair of endpoints in the service.

A functional audit works by running commands that perform verification and reporting relevant information.

The following table shows the commands that are used for each service type:

Service Type

Device Family

XML Commands

CLI Commands

Data Plane

Control Plane

Data Plane

Control Plane


ACX Series, M Series, MX Series

Not supported.

<get-mpls-lsp-information> <name> lspName </name> <ingress> </ingress> </get-mpls-lsp-information>

Not supported.

show mpls lsp lspName p2pmxl_to_100_100_20 ingress


lspName = Name of the LSP

BX7000 Gateway

Not supported.

<get-mpls-tunnel-information> <name> tunnelName</name> </get-mpls-tunnel-information>

Not supported.

show mpls tunnel tunnelName


tunnelName = Tunnel name

Static LSP



ACX Series, M Series, MX Series

Not supported.

<get-mpls-static-lsp-information> <name> lspName </name><ingress></ingress></get-mpls-static-lsp-information>

Not supported.

show mpls static-lsp name lspName ingress



lspName = Name of the LSP

BX7000 Gateway

Not supported.

<get-mpls-tunnel-information> <name> tunnelName </name>

Not supported.

show mpls tunnel tunnelName


tunnelName = Tunnel name


ACX Series, M Series, MX Series

BX7000 Gateway

Not supported.

<get-interface-information> <interface-name> interfaceValue </interface-name></get-interface-information>

Not supported.

show interfaces interfaceValue


interfaceValue = Name of the interface

For the data plane, the Junos Space software places a static MAC address in the forwarding table of the remote endpoint, which it uses to verify correct packet transfer.

Troubleshooting the RSVP LSP Static LSP, and GRE

From the Troubleshooting tab you can check status of the interfaces, LDP sessions, neighbor links, and endpoints of the RSVP LSP Static LSP, and GRE. To select the status you want to check, click the device from the device list on the left, and select the show command from the Command list.

The following table shows the commands for RSVP LSP:

Table 1:

Service Type

Device Family

XML Commands

CLI Commands



M Series


show mpls lsp ingress name instanceValue



show mpls lsp name instanceValue extensive



show rsvp session name instanceValue



show rsvp neighbor



show rsvp interface



show ospf neighbor



show ldp session


<get-bfd-session-information> </get-bfd-session-information>

show bfd session



instanceValue= Name of the service

The following table shows the commands for Static LSP:

Service Type

Device Family

XML Commands

CLI Commands


SingleHop and Multihop LSP

M Series


show mpls static-lsp name instanceValue



show mpls static-lsp name instanceValue extensive



show ospf neighbor



instanceValue= Name of the service

routerType= Type of the router

The following table shows the commands for GRE:

Service Type

Device Family

XML Commands

CLI Commands



ACX Series, M Series, MX Series

<get-interface-information><terse/> <interface-name>interfaceValue</interface-name></get-interface-information>

show interface interfaceValue terse



show ldp session



show ospf neighbor



interfaceValue= Name of the interface

Performing the Functional Audit

To perform a functional audit:

  1. From the View selector, select Service View. The workspaces that are applicable to routing and tunnel services are displayed.
  2. Click the Build icon in the Service View of the Connectivity Services Director banner. The functionalities that you can configure in this mode are displayed in the task pane.
  3. Click the plus sign (+) beside Tunnel to view services based on protocols, and expand the RSVP LSPs tree to select an LSP service.
  4. In the Network Services > Tunnel task pane, select Audit Results > Functional Audit. Alternatively, you can select a service order, click the Audit button at the top of the table of listed service orders from the Manage Network Services page and select Run Functional Audit.
  5. In the Schedule Functional Audit dialog box, do one of the following:
    1. Select Audit Now, then click OK.

      The Job Details dialog box appears for you to click the Job ID link to see the functional results. The Job Management page displays the functional audit details by job ID, name, percentage complete, state, job type, summary, scheduled start time, user, and recurrence.

    2. Select Audit Later, enter a date and time, then click OK.

      To monitor the progress of an audit after selecting Audit Later, after the scheduled time of the audit:

      1. On the Junos Space Network Management Platform user interface, select Jobs.

      2. On the Jobs statistics page, select the Functional Audit segment of the Job Types pie chart.

        The Job Management page appears filtered by functional audit jobs.

      3. Select the functional audit job that you want.

        Summary information about the audit appears in the quick look panel.

      4. In the filter bar, select the table view icon to see additional information about the job. If the service failed the audit, information about the failure appears in the Summary field.


    Functional audit can be run for multiple services from Build mode of Service View of the Connectivity Services Director GUI. From the Manage Network Services page, select the check boxes beside multiple srvices, and click the Audit/Results button at the top of the table of configured services. When the Audit/Results button is clicked, the Schedule Functional Audit window is displayed, which enables you to perform the audit immediately or schedule it to be run at a later time. You can view detailed, ingrained information about the output of the functional audit that you performed for a service from the Functional Audit Results window. Select the Service-name > Interface-name Device-name > Remote Interface - Remote Device in the left pane of the window. The control plane and data plane statuses are displayed by running service-specific commands in the right pane of the window. Click Rerun Functional Audit at the top-right corner of the window to perform the audit again. If the Status field displays as Completed, an audit can be run again; else, if the Status field displays as Ongoing, it denotes that an audit is currently in progress, you must wait for the running instance to be completed to perform a functional evaluation again.

    Click Reload Result at the top-right corner of the window to refresh the results of the audit and display the updated information. You can refresh the results only for completed audit instances. When you select Service-name in the left pane of the window, service status information is displayed in the right pane. The Service Status window displays details such as the operational status of the service, the device name, the topology used in the service are displayed in a tabular format. The number of UNI interfaces and PE devices that are up and down is also shown. When you select Service-name > Interface-name Device-name > Remote Interface - Remote Device in the left pane of the window, endpoint status information is shown in the right pane. The Endpoint Status window displays details of the device name, the topology used in service, remote UNIs status, and device status of the selected service.

    The Service Status field corresponding to the service for which polled data is not available is displayed as NA. The Service Status field represents the overall status of a service. To calculate the overall service status, a polling mechanism is used to retrieve data from devices by Connectivity Services Director. Because the overall status of a service involves multiple devices, it is possible to calculate and update service statuses, based on an event from one of the devices because the status of all endpoints of a service needs to be determined to compute the overall service status. It is an expensive operation to send requests to all endpoints, based on an event from a single device. As a result, a polling method is used to obtain the overall status of the device. Because the polled data represents a snapshot at a point in time, a delay occurs in updating the status of a service. Also, while polling, if service information from one of the devices is not available, the service is marked as down.

  6. To view additional details about the functional audit, including results from checking the control plane and the data plane, seeViewing Functional Audit Results.