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Enabling the Collection of LSP and Service Association Details

From the Monitoring tab of the Preferences page (which you can launch by clicking the down arrow beside the System button on the Connectivity Services Director banner and selecting Preferences), you can enable the collection of LSPs configured on the links of the PCC devices in a topology and also to enable retrieval of service association details with the LSPs. When you enable this functionality, the details are obtained from the devices at periodic polling intervals.

To specify the monitoring setting for Topology:

  1. From the Junos Space user interface, click the System icon in the Connectivity Services Director banner.

    The options that you can configure in System mode are displayed in a drop-down menu.

  2. Select Preferences from the drop-down menu to open the Preferences page.

    The Preferences page opens with User Preferences as the default tab.

  3. Click the Monitoring tab to configure the frequency at which the association between LSPs and services must be retrieved for the topology.

    The settings that you can configure on the Monitoring tab are displayed.

  4. Select the ProvisioningMonitorLSPToServiceAssociationCollector check box to enable the collection of LSPs configured on the links of the PCC devices in a topology and also to enable retrieval of service association details with the LSPs.

    When you select this check box, the details are obtained from the devices at periodic polling intervals. By default, the polling interval is 5 minutes.