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CSD-Topology Topology Map Window Overview

As a network administrator, you must have a clear understanding of the various networking devices in your network, their physical locations, and how these devices are interconnected in your network. Connectivity between devices and their association with their locations provide the foundation for rendering topology in a complete manner. Connectivity Services Director enables you to monitor the devices that are managed by the CSD-Topology, besides offering a centralized view of the connectivity. The CSD-Topology topology map represents the interconnection between various devices in your network, which are managed by Junos Space Connectivity Services Director, based on their connectivity to and association with their physical surroundings. This information is useful for debugging, troubleshooting, planning, and executing administrative actions.

Before you can view the topology map, which is a pictorial representation of the baseline network that shows the sites, nodes, interconnecting links, label-switched paths (LSPs) configured over pseudowire links, and services, you must establish the connection between the system on which the Connectivity Services Director application is running and the CSD-Topology server. After you select Topology View from the View selector in Build mode, the topology (map) window is the main work area for any live network or network model you load into the system. Multiple links displayed between nodes use line bending to avoid hidden trunks in the topology. The topology map enables expandable and collapsible views, which is useful when several nodes or devices are present in groups. Line bending refers to multiple parallel connector lines among devices displayed as curves to avoid overlapping between the lines.

On the topology map, devices or nodes are present in an ungrouped manner or are grouped based on the configured custom groups or sites. Sites represent a geographical region, such as a zone or a general area, within which devices are located. Different devices in a site are interconnected by links and LSPs. Services are configured on the different devices in a site. You can view the interconnection among sites, devices, links, LSPs, and services on the topology map.


LSP names that are not unique in the network are not displayed on the topology map.


You cannot view node locations by their geographic coordinates on the world map using latitude and longitude or automatic layouts on the Connectivity Services Director GUI.

The topology window displays important link and node properties. Links are color coded according to utilization. Alternatively, you can view links by other properties such as trunk type, protocols, coloring, status, and area. Nodes are color coded by symbols, icons, or vendor types.

Path information can be displayed in the topology window. The path function displays detailed path information between any two nodes found in the network based on factors such as the routing method used, reserved and actual bandwidth allocation, link distance, or oversubscription.

The topology window contains the following main components:

Filter dialog box (a funnel symbol)

For sorting and changing the settings of the Topology View

Search (magnifying glass icon)

For specifying the search criteria for filtering and viewing relevant data

Plus sign

For zooming in to the topology map for a detailed view of the elements on the map

Minus sign

For zooming out of the topology map for a high-level view of the entire map

Pictorial representation of the network on the upper portion of the page

For displaying the network

The upper portion of the right pane, which shows the topology map, is the middle portion of the topology window. In this area, you can double-click the zones that are displayed to expand and display the devices contained in that zone. The pop-up menu is accessed by right-clicking in the center pane that shows the topology map. Right-click a node, link, or group on the map to display a pop-up menu for that element.

Tables on the lower portion of the page

For viewing detailed information about devices, links, LSPs, and services configured for the network topology

Downward arrow at the bottom of the page

For hiding the table that displays information about devices, links, and LSPs, and for displaying the topology map in the entire canvas

Zoom in and zoom out

For zooming in and out by using the mouse scroll wheel for a detailed or high-level representation of the topology map

Moving the map

For dragging the map around by holding down the left mouse button