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Creating an E-Line ATM or TDM Pseudowire Service Order

To create an E-Line service order, complete the following tasks in order:

Selecting the Service Definition

To select a service definition on which to base the new service order:

  1. Select Service View from the View Selector. The workspaces that are applicable to routing and tunnel services are displayed.
  2. From the Connectivity Services Director user interface, click the Deploy icon in the Connectivity Services Director banner. The functionalities that you can configure in this mode are displayed in the task pane.
  3. From the View pane, click the plus sign (+) to expand the tree and select the type of service.
  4. From the Tasks pane, select Service Provisioning > Manage Services.

    The Manage Network Services page is displayed in the top half of the right pane, which displays all of the configured services. The Manage Service Orders page is displayed in the bottom half of the right pane, which displays all of the service orders corresponding to a service.

    From the Manage Network Services page, select New > E-Line Service Order.

    The Create E-Line Service Order page displays an inventory of all available E-Line service definitions.

    The General/Connectivity Settings panel appears initially in the right panel, as shown in the example.


    In the service order creation wizard for E-Line services, the search function has been enhanced to enable you to easily sort and filter the parameters that are of interest and relevance for the services you want to configure. The Choose Customer dialog box that is displayed when you click Select beside the Customer field contains the Search box, which enables you to perform a search on all of the columns. The search utility that is present in the Choose Service Definition dialog box that is displayed when you click Select beside the Service Definition field enables you to search by Name, Created by, and Signaling columns; search utility is not supported for other columns in the dialog box. The search box that is present in the Choose Endpoints dialog box when you click Select beside the PE Device and UNI Interface fields enables search across all the columns displayed in the dialog box. For any string-based search (which shows strings that match any part of the text you enter in the search box), only the Name, Platform, and OS Version columns are supported. For exact string-based search (which shows strings that exactly match the text you enter in the search box), the IPAddress, State, and Manage State columns are supported.

  5. From the Service Definition field, click Select to choose the service definition you want to base your service order on. The Choose Service Definition inventory page displays a view of only those published service definitions designed to work with the type of services you need.

    Based on the fields or parameters that you defined in the service definition to be enabled for modification in the service order, the corresponding fields are available for editing. The fields that are disabled for modification in the service order can only be edited in the service definition.

  6. Select the check box beside the service definition that you want to associate with the service order, and click OK.
  7. Click View to open a popup dialog box that displays the details of the selected service definition. The service definition properties, such as the name, signaling type (LDP or BGP), service type (Ethernet, ATM, or TDM), are displayed. The interface-specific attributes, such as rate-limiting details, encapsulation, and VLAN tags, are also displayed in the dialog box. Close the dialog box to return to the service order creation wizard.

    If a template is attached to the service definition on which the service order is based, you can invoke the template editor from the Template page of the wizard.

Entering General/Connectivity Settings Information

The General Settings panel is displayed on the right side of the service order window.

To configure general settings in the General Settings/Connectivity Settings panel, provide the following information:

  1. In the Name box, enter a unique name for the service.

    The service order name can consist of only letters, numbers, and underscores.


    The name you specify for a service order becomes the routing-instance name in the device configuration when you deploy the service. Consequently, you cannot use any Juniper Networks keywords, for example, “bgp” or “vpls”, as the name of a service order.

  2. In the Customer box, select the customer requesting the service.

    If the customer is not in the list, you must add the customer to the database before proceeding. See Adding a New Customer.

  3. In the Description box, enter a description of the service. This description appears in information windows about the request or service instance created from the request.
  4. In the Connectivity Settings box, specify the MTU for the connection across the network.

    The service definition can constrain the MTU to a specific value or allow the service provisioner to override it in the service order. In this example, the service definition sets the MTU, but allows the service provisioner to change the value.

    When you advance to the next step in creating your service order, your new connectivity settings appear under the Connectivity image in the main graphic and new general information is added to the text above the cloud. If you have incomplete or invalid information in the General/Connectivity Settings panel, a warning icon appears next to the cloud image.

  5. Specify the virtual path identifier (VPI). This field is available only if you have selected an ATM E-Line service definition.

    The combination of the VPI and VCID defines the next destination for a cell in the ATM network.

    Range: 0 through 255

  6. Specify the virtual channel identifier (VCI). This field is available only if you have selected an ATM E-Line service definition.

    Range: 0 through 65535

  7. Enter the virtual circuit identifier (VCID). This integer uniquely identifies the virtual circuit that the service uses.

    The VCID can be set either automatically by the Junos Space software, or the service provisioner can set it manually in the service order. The service definition can force the system to pick the VCID, force the service provisioner to pick the VCID, or allow the service provisioner to override the settings in the service definition.

    We recommend allocating the VCID automatically; however, service providers with their own systems for allocating VCIDs can choose the manual setting.

    By default, the system picks a VCID from its pool automatically, but allows the service provisioner to override this value in the service order. The form expands to include an additional field for typing the VCID manually.

    This field is displayed only if the selected definition’s signaling type is LDP. You cannot edit this field if you have not selected the Editable in Service Order in the service definition.

  8. Select the MC APS check box to add the run show aps extensive command.

    This check box is available only in an LDP-based E-Line service order with PW Resilency enabled. The Interface type must be ATM/TDM.

    For more information on MC-APS, see Multi-Chassis Automatic Protection Switching Overview.

  9. Enter the Route Distinguisher value.

    Range: through, or 1:1 through 65535:4294967295

    This field is displayed only if the selected definition’s signaling type is BGP. You cannot edit this field if you have not selected the Editable in Service Order in the service definition.

  10. Specify the Route Target.
    1. Clear the Auto pick Route Target check box.

    2. Enter the Route Target value.

      Range: through, or 1:1 through 65535:4294967295

    This field is displayed only if the selected definition’s signaling type is BGP. You cannot edit this field if you have not selected the Editable in Service Order in the service definition.

  11. Provide endpoint information for the first endpoint: click the Endpoint A graphic element or click Next.

    The Endpoint Settings form appears in the right panel.

Specifying Endpoint Information

On M Series, MX Series, and ACX routers:

  • The ATM interfaces always appear as an AT interface.

  • The TDM interfaces with SAToP encapsulation always appear as a T1 interface; TDM interfaces with CESoPSN encapsulation always appear as a DS interfaces.

To configure the endpoint settings:

  1. In the PE Device box, select the N-PE device you want to use for the first endpoint. From the Choose Endpoints dialog box that appears, select the devices that you want to participate in the service. Use the multiple selection feature to select one or more devices. The lower part of the dialog box refreshes to display the interfaces associated with the selected device. Select the check boxes next to the interfaces you want to associate with the service order.

    In the Choose Endpoints dialog box, you can sort and segregate the devices and their corresponding interfaces based on the roles of the devices to easily and quickly view only the devices of interest. Click the down arrow on the Filter Role menu, and select P2E to view only the provider edge devices, P to view only the provider devices, and L2E to view only Layer 2 Ethernet devices.

    If you are unsure about which PE device to choose, go to the Prestaging Devices workspace landing page, which shows capacity information about UNIs on PE devices. You must pick a device that has available UNIs.

    This step is required for all service orders.

  2. In the UNI interface box, select a UNI. The list includes all UNIs available on the selected device.

    You can enter the description of the UNI interface in the UNI description field.

    If you have selected the Enable Multi Segment Pseudowire check box in the service definition, the UNI interface of the second endpoint lists the interworking (iw) interfaces only.

    For more information on E-Line pseudowire stitching, see Stitching Two E-Line Pseudowires.

    This step is required for all service orders.

    You cannot change the type of Physical IF encapsulation. This value is set in the service definition.

    Based on the type of Physical IF encapsulation, the corresponding fields are displayed. For example, if the Physical IF encapsulation is CESoPSN, the following fields are displayed:

    • Jitter buffer

    • Idle pattern

    • Excessive packet loss rate


      These fields are editable if you have selected the Editable in Service Order check box in the service definition.

  3. Specify the stitching unit.

    Default: 0

    Range: 0 through 255


    This field is displayed only in the second endpoint. You must have selected the Enable Multi Segment Pseudowire check box in the service definition.

  4. If the Physical IF encapsulation type is CESoPSN, specify the Packetization Latency. Packetization latency is the time required to create packets.

    Range: 1000 through 8000 microseconds


    Based on the number of time slots, the default Packetization Latency value is as follows:

    • If the number of time slots is equal to 1, the default value is either 5000 microseconds or 8000 microseconds.

    • If the number of time slots is 2, 3, or 4, the default value is 4000 microseconds.

    • If the number of time slots is greater than 4, the default value is 1000 microseconds.

  5. In the LSP tunnel name box, select the LSP tunnel you want to use for this device.

    You must supply an LSP tunnel name for the interface on BX devices. If one is not defined, you must first use the Transport Activate application to create an LSP on the BX7000 Gateway.

    On the M Series router, the LSP tunnel is chosen automatically.

    This field is displayed only if the selected definition’s signaling type is LDP.

  6. Specify the cell bundle size. The value of the cell bundle size can be from 1 through 34.
  7. If you have selected Transport VLAN List as the customer traffic type in the selected service definition, you must specify either a single value or a range of values that are separated by commas.
  8. If you have enabled the Enable PW Resiliency check box in the selected service definition, fill in the following fields in the Backup settings and Resiliency settings:
    • Enable

    • PE device

    • UNI interface

    • MTU (Bytes)

    • LSP tunnel name

    • Revert time (sec)

    • Switch Over Delay (sec)

    For more information of pseudowire redundancy, see Redundant Pseudowires for Layer 2 Circuits and VPLS.

  9. If you selected the Static pseudowire check box in the selected service definition, you need to specify the Outgoing label for the static pseudowire.

    Range: 1000000 through 1048575

    In case of multi-segment pseudowire, you have to specify a new outgoing label for the second segment. The outgoing label for the second segment is not prepopulated from the first segment.


    You must manually compare the encapsulation, TDM bit rate, and control word of the router with the remote peer router and ensure that these parameters match; otherwise the static pseudowire might not work.

  10. Select the Enable send-oam config check box to enable the send-oam command. You can select or clear this check box even in the Modify Service page.
  11. Click Review to view the defined parameters. You can examine and modify the created service order parameters. Alternatively, click the corresponding buttons at the top of the wizard page to navigate to the specific pages pertain to the settings you want to modify. Click Back to return to the previous page of the wizard; else click Cancel to discard the changes.

    The service order that you have created is listed in the Manage Service Orders page.

Specifying Template Settings

The Template Settings page of the service order creation and modification wizards enables you to associate service templates with an E-Line, E-LAN, and IP service order. You can apply only the templates that are previously configured in a service definition with the corresponding service order. The Template Settings page is available in the service order wizard only if the service definition that you selected to apply to the service order contains a service template. Otherwise, the Template Settings page is not displayed in the service order wizard. You can perform template operations for all endpoints in a service order.

If you defined a service template as the default service template, it is attached to the endpoint by default. You have the flexibility to create and provision a dynamic attribute in a service template. You can mark an attribute of a service template as dynamic, and you can obtain the values for these dynamic attributes from a specific device. To create a dynamic attribute, you must first mark an attribute of a service template as dynamic and then specify the device XPath for the dynamic attribute.

The Template Settings page is displayed before the Review page, which is the final step of the service order wizard.

In the Service Settings page, from the Select Service Definition field of the service order creation wizard, you can double-click a service definition name displayed in the table to view the details of the definition in a popup dialog box. You can use this information to determine if the service definition is appropriate for your deployment needs. To filter and sort the display of service templates, enter the name of the template as a match criterion in the Search box and click the Search icon. The page refreshes to display only the template names that match with the search term. You can use the paging controls to navigate across multiple pages of templates as necessary.

All the tasks that you can perform with service templates are presented in the Template Settings page. The page is divided into three panes. The top half of the page displays a table of selected endpoints. All the endpoints or UNIs that you selected in the preceding pages of the service order wizard are displayed in this table. You can configure the template pertaining to only one endpoint at a point in time. If the selected endpoints (in previous pages of the wizard) contained a manually-entered unit number, that number is displayed in the table of selected endpoints. Otherwise, the Auto-pick label is displayed.

The lower half of the page is divided into two panes. The left pane displays the template selection table for the endpoint you selected. All the templates associated with the service definition are displayed. You can add and delete templates using the template selection table. The right pane displays all the parameters that you can modify for a selected service template. All such editable paramters are displayed in a consolidated form of a configuration page. This pane is displayed after you select a template. If any configuration parameter in template is set as a service-specific value, such attributes are not displayed in this pane.

To associate a service template with a service order:

  1. Click Add to include a service template for the endpoint. A dialog box is displayed with the list of service templates associated with the service definition that is used to create the service order. The templates selected in this dialog box are displayed in the Template Selection table for the specified endpoint. Such templates are considered to be attached to that endpoint.

    If you specified a template as a default template during the service definition creation, the template is displayed by default in the template selection table. You can associate non-default templates with the serviceo rder by clicking the Add button.

  2. Click the link in the template name to open the Template Details dialog box. The template settings are displayed in the popup dialog box. For the selected template, the Configuration Page is displayed in the lower-right pane of the Template Settings page.
  3. Modify any template-specific service components as necessary.
  4. Click Save to submit the changes.
  5. Select a template from the Template Selection table, and click Delete to remove the template from being associated with the service order for a particular endpoint.

Reviewing the Configured Settings

The Review page of the service definition or service order creation and modification wizards enable you to view and evaluate the service parameters and components you configured in preceding steps or pages of the wizard. This page provides a comprehensive, single-page view of all the service elements configured in the different pages of the wizard. You can either click the buttons corresponding to the various settings at the top of the wizard page to directly traverse to the page you want to modify or click the navigation buttons at the bottom of the wizard page to go to the different pages of the wizard.


On the Review page, in the Service Templates section, the names of the service templates with which the service definition is associated are displayed. The Default Service Template column indicates whether the attached template is the default template.

  1. Click Review to view the defined parameters. You can examine and modify the created service order parameters. Alternatively, click the corresponding buttons at the top of the wizard page to navigate to the specific pages pertain to the settings you want to modify.
  2. Click Edit next to the section that contains the parameter you want to modify. You are navigated to the corresponding page of the wizard in which the parameter settings are defined.
  3. Click Finish to save the service definition or service order.
  4. Click Back to return to the previous page of the wizard; else click Cancel to discard the changes.

    The service order inventory window appears.

Deploying the New Service

To deploy the new service:

  1. Perform one of the following actions from the Deploy mode of the Service View of Connectivity Services Director:
    • To deploy the service immediately, select Deploy now, then click OK.

    • To deploy the service later, select Schedule deployment, select a date and time, then click OK.

      The time field specifies the time kept by the server, but in the time zone of the client.

  2. To monitor the progress and status of the deployment, use the Jobs workspace.