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Remote Hosts

Contrail Insights can monitor hosts remotely without installing Contrail Insights Agent on the host. Such hosts can be configured using Ansible playbooks. Metric collection is supported using SNMP (version 2c or 3) and Intelligent Platform Management Interface (IPMI).

Configure a Remote Host in Contrail Insights for Monitoring

Set the variable appformix_plugins with an enabled plug-in for remote host monitoring. Some certified_plug-ins already ship out of box and are defined in the certified_plugins directory. This variable must be run at the time of Contrail Insights Platform installation. For example:

During installation a remote_host tag needs to be defined in the inventory. For each host in this group, configuration variables need to be specified in the inventory/hosts. Refer to the Create Ansible Inventory topic for instructions on which step of the installation these variables need to be set. See Contrail Insights Installation and Configuration for OpenStack.

The following configurations can be enabled for remote host monitoring.

  • Host with only SNMP version 2c.

  • Host with only SNMP version 3 and its required parameters.

  • Host with only IPMI metrics.

  • Host with IPMI metrics and SNMP version 2c metrics.

  • Host with IPMI metrics and SNMP version 3 metrics.

The following sample inventory illustrates how to configure the above cases.

The following sample inventory illustrates how to configure the devices with variables that share common values for all hosts. Refer to Ansible inventory documentation for further details.

Packages Needed for Remote Host Monitoring

The SNMP and IPMI plug-ins are executed by Contrail Insights Agent running on a host in the appformix_platform aggregate. Some packages must be present on such hosts to ensure the plug-in execution succeeds. The Contrail Insights playbooks will handle the installation of the packages if the following flag is set in the group_vars/all at the time the Contrail Insights Platform is installed.

The following are the packages that are required by the SNMP and IPMI plug-ins running on the appformix_platform hosts.

For Ubuntu:

  • snmp

  • snmp-mibs-downloader

  • ipmitool

For CentOS or Red Hat Enterprise Linux:

  • net-snmp

  • net-snmp-utils

  • ipmitool