Composite Alarms
A composite alarm is comprised of multiple individual alarms. The state of a composite alarm is a combination of the states of the individual alarm rules. Each individual alarm rule in a composite alarm must have the same metric scope, but each alarm can analyze a different metric. For example, composite alarm C1 for a given metric scope, such as host, can be comprised of alarms R1, R2 that analyze two different metrics M1, M2, respectively. The rules of a composite alarm can be combined in one of three ways:
Active if any one of the rules is active.
Active if all of the rules are active.
Active if a weighted combination of rules is active. In this case, each rule is assigned a user-specified weight. The composite alarm is active when the sum of weights of active rules exceeds a user-specified threshold.
Figure 1 shows an example of configured host compsite rules and the rule definition components for adding a composite rule.
Add Composite Rule
To add a composite rule:
From the Contrail Insights Dashboard, select Composite Rule.
Select the tab for the entity that you want to configure the composite rule, such as host, aggregate, instance, project, and so on.
In the Add Composite Rule panel, add a name and the necessary parameters to create the composite rule.
Select Save to save your changes.