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Upgrading Contrail Networking using In-Place Upgrade Procedure

This document provides steps to upgrade Contrail Networking using in-place upgrade procedure.

The procedure supports incremental model and you can use it to upgrade from Contrail Networking Release N-1 to N.

Best Practice:

You must take snapshots of your current system before proceeding with the upgrade process.

For a list of supported platforms, see

  1. Update kernel version on all the compute nodes.

    yum -y update kernel*


    You must not update kernel version if you are upgrading from Contrail Networking Release 1910 to Release 1911.

  2. Update CONTRAIL_VERSION and CONTRAIL_CONTAINER_TAG to the desired version tag in this instances.yml file.

    Access CONTRAIL_CONTAINER_TAG located at README Access to Contrail Registry 19XX.

  3. Run the following commands from contrail-ansible-deployer directory.

    For Contrail with OpenStack deployment:

    cd contrail-ansible-deployeransible-playbook -i inventory/ -e orchestrator=openstack playbooks/configure_instances.ymlansible-playbook -e orchestrator=openstack -i inventory/ playbooks/install_contrail.yml

  4. Reboot the compute node.
  5. Check the status of Contrail service on the compute node.

    All services must be active .

    sudo contrail-status

The ansible playbook logs are available on the terminal during execution. You can also access it at /var/log/ansible.log.