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Contrail Analytics Optional Modules

Analytics Optional Components

Contrail analytics is comprised of four building blocks. The last three listed are optional components.

  • Analytics collector

  • Analytics alarm

  • Analytics SNMP

  • Analytics database

Figure 1: Contrail Analytics ComponentsContrail Analytics Components

Regardless that the alarm, SNMP, and database analytics roles have not been installed and if installed are disabled, these components show as active when you run the Linux $sudo commands or view in Contrail Command. For more information, see the section “TripleO Provisioning” below.

Contrail Infrastructure Installed without Optional Analytics Components

Two topologies are considered in this example: multi-nodes or single node.


Contrail controller components are split onto three servers (Contrail controller, Contrail analytics, and Contrail analytics database). Only the first two servers are mandatory since Contrail analytics database is an optional component. This type of topology is used in production deployments.

Single node

This type of topology is used in test deployments.

Multi-Nodes Contrail Controller

Contrail Controller Node

Following is an example of the Contrail status on the Contrail controller node:

Contrail Analytics Node (with All Optional Components)

Following is the Contrail status on Contrail analytics node when Contrail analytics SNMP and Contrail analytics alarm have both been deployed:

Contrail analytics alarm and SNMP are deployed and active.

Contrail Analytics Node (without Analytics Optional Components)

Following is an example of the Contrail status on Contrail analytics node when Contrail analytics SNMP and Contrail analytics alarm have not been deployed:

Only Contrail analytics collector is deployed and active.

Contrail Analytics Database Node

Contrail analytics database is only deployed when the analytics database component is enabled. The following example shows the Contrail status on the Contrail analytics database node:

Single Node Contrail Controller

Contrail Controller Node (with All Analytics Optional Components)

Following is the Contrail status on Contrail controller node when Contrail analytics SNMP, Contrail analytics alarm, and Contrail analytics database have been deployed:

Contrail database (query), analytics alarm, and SNMP are deployed and active.

Contrail Controller Node (without Analytics Optional Components)

Following is an example of the Contrail status on Contrail controller node when Contrail analytics SNMP, Contrail analytics alarm, and Contrail analytics database have not been deployed:

Contrail database (query), analytics alarm, and SNMP are not deployed.

Contrail Web UI

Web UI with Optional Components

Figure 2 displays the Contrail Web UI dashboard with all optional analytics components deployed.

Figure 2: Web UI - All Optional Analytics Components DeployedWeb UI - All Optional Analytics Components Deployed

A database node is visible in the infrastructure dashboard.

Figure 3: Web UI - Database Node in DashboardWeb UI - Database Node in Dashboard

Web UI without Optional Components

Figure 4 displays the Contrail Web UI dashboard without optional analytics components deployed.

Figure 4: Web UI - Optional Analytics Components Not DeployedWeb UI - Optional Analytics Components Not Deployed

No database node is visible in the infrastructure dashboard:

Figure 5: Web UI - Database Node Not Visible in DashboardWeb UI - Database Node Not Visible in Dashboard

Analytics Alarm Feature Enabled

Figure 6 displays the Monitor > Alarms menu.

Figure 6: Web UI - Monitor > Alarms MenuWeb UI - Monitor > Alarms Menu

Figure 7 displays the Configure > Alarms menu.

Figure 7: Web UI - Configure > Alarms MenuWeb UI - Configure > Alarms Menu

Figure 8 displays the dialog box which appears when Global Alarm, next to Logged in User in the upper right, is selected.

Figure 8: Web UI - Global Alarm SettingsWeb UI - Global Alarm Settings

Analytics Alarm Feature Disabled

If the alarm analytics component is not deployed, then Contrail Web UI should not display the following alarm references:

  • Global Alarm (Next to Logged in User)

  • Monitor > Alarms

  • Configure > Alarms

There is not an appearance of Global Alarm or Alarms entry in the Monitor menu:

Figure 9: Analytics Alarm Disabled - Global Alarm and Alarm Not AvailableAnalytics Alarm Disabled - Global Alarm and Alarm Not Available

Alarms menu still available in Configure menu.

Figure 10: Analytics Alarm Disabled - Configure > Alarms Analytics Alarm Disabled - Configure > Alarms

Analytics SNMP Feature Enabled

Figure 11 displays the Physical Topology option in the Monitor menu.

Figure 11: Analytics SNMP Feature Enabled - Physical Topology Menu AvailableAnalytics SNMP Feature Enabled - Physical Topology Menu Available

Analytics SNMP Feature Disabled

If the alarm analytics component is not provisioned, then Contrail Web UI does not display the Physical Topology menu option.

Figure 12: Analytics SNMP Feature Disabled - Physical Topology Menu Not AvailableAnalytics SNMP Feature Disabled - Physical Topology Menu Not Available

Analytics Database Enabled

If analytics database is provisioned, then Contrail Web UI displays the Query page.

Figure 13: Analytics Database Enabled - Query Page AvailableAnalytics Database Enabled - Query Page Available

Analytics Database Disabled

If analytics database is not provisioned, then Contrail Web UI should not display the Query page. Query page logo is unavailable to launch Query page.

Figure 14: Analytics Database Disabled - Query Page Logo Not AvailableAnalytics Database Disabled - Query Page Logo Not Available

Tripleo Provisioning

Multi-Nodes Contrail Controller Topology

In order to enable or disable the Contrail analytics optional components, TripleO templates have to be modified.

  • In ContrailAnalytics role, ContrailAnalyticsSnmp, and ContrailAnalyticsAlarm resources can be removed:

  • ContrailAnalyticsDatabase role can also be removed (not selected using ContrailAnalyticsDatabaseCount = 0) into a rollout as this role is deploying only ContrailAnalyticsDatabase resource:

  • ContrailController role is kept unchanged.

Single Node Contrail Controller Topology

In order to enable or disable the Contrail analytics optional components, TripleO templates have to be modified. In ContrailController role, ContrailAnalyticsSnmp, ContrailAnalyticsAlarm, and ContrailAnalyticsDatabase resources can be removed, other contrail resources are kept:

TripleO Template Update

TripleO templates were updated in June 2020 to allow disabling the provisioning of Contrail analytics components.

Earlier Contrail TripleO templates have to be patched in order to replace docker/services/contrail/contrail-base.yaml file in which optional analytics component provision is hardcoded:


Contrail Command UI

The disabled roles and charts are visible on the Query page but they are not operational.

Figure 15: Query Page Visible in DashboardQuery Page Visible in Dashboard

Regardless that the alarm, SNMP, and database analytics roles have been disabled, they are still reported by Contrail Command.

Figure 16: Disabled Roles Still Visible in Contrail CommandDisabled Roles Still Visible in Contrail Command

The following five charts will always display empty.

Figure 17: Empty Charts in Compute NodesEmpty Charts in Compute Nodes
Figure 18: Empty Charts in Config NodesEmpty Charts in Config Nodes
Figure 19: Empty Charts in Analytics NodesEmpty Charts in Analytics Nodes
Figure 20: Empty Charts in Control NodesEmpty Charts in Control Nodes
Figure 21: Empty Charts in Database NodesEmpty Charts in Database Nodes

The Alarms page displays alarms pulled from the Contrail analytics_alarm component. When the analytics_alarm component is disabled, the Alarms page will always display no data.

Figure 22: Empty Alarms PageEmpty Alarms Page
Release History Table
TripleO templates were updated in June 2020 to allow disabling the provisioning of Contrail analytics components.