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Viewing the Monitoring Dashboards

The Dashboards page in Contrail Command provides an “at-a-glance” view of the system infrastructure components, including the number of compute nodes, config nodes, analytics nodes, control nodes, and database nodes currently operational, CPU and memory utilization for the system, active flows, and packet drops.

Monitoring Dashboards

Select Monitoring > Dashboards to view the Dashboards page.

Figure 1: Monitoring > DashboardsMonitoring > Dashboards

Monitor Individual Details from the Dashboard

Across the top of the Dashboards page are tabs representing the components of the system that are shown in the statistics. See Figure 1. Any of the compute nodes, config nodes, analytics nodes, control nodes, and database nodes can be monitored individually and in detail from the Dashboards page by clicking an associated tab, and drilling down for more detail.

Chart Data Values

The charts show the latest data, updating in real-time from a stream of data from the Contrail platform. When the cursor is positioned over the charts, a pop-up box shows the data values at that particular time. Charts can be zoomed in or out using the mouse scroll wheel.

Monitor Config Nodes

Select Monitoring > Dashboards > Config Nodes to view a summary of activities for the analytics nodes. See Figure 2. Hover over any chart axis to get summary information about the component it represents.

Figure 2: Config Nodes SummaryConfig Nodes Summary

Table 1 describes the fields in the Config Nodes summary.

Table 1: Config Nodes Summary Fields



Host Name

The name of this node.

Response Size

Response size (MB) at specified time.

Response Time

Response time (ms) at specified time.

Monitor Analytics Nodes

Select Monitoring > Dashboards > Analytics Nodes to view a summary of activities for the analytics nodes. See Figure 3. Hover over any chart axis or bubble to get summary information about the component it represents. See Table 2 for descriptions of the fields on the analytics summary.

Figure 3: Analytics Node SummaryAnalytics Node Summary
Table 2: Fields in Analytics Nodes Summary



Host Name

The name of this node.

DB Writes

Number of writes to database in Contrail made in specific time period.

Message Traffic per Min

Number of messages received per minute.


Number of queries made and time run.

Analytics Messages

Number of analytics messages received during specific time period on represented node.