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Debugging Ping Failures for Policy-Connected Networks

This topic presents troubleshooting scenarios and steps for resolving reachability issues (ping failures) when working with policy-connected virtual networks.

These are the methods used to configure reachability for a virtual network or virtual machine:

  • Use network policy to exchange virtual network routes.

  • Use a floating IP address pool to associate an IP address from a destination virtual network to virtual machine(s) in the source virtual network.

  • Use an ASN/RT configuration to exchange virtual network routes with an MX Series router gateway.

  • Use a service instance static route configuration to route between service instances in two virtual networks.

This topic focuses on troubleshooting reachability for the first method --- using network policy to exchange routes between virtual networks.

Troubleshooting Procedure for Policy-Connected Network

  1. Check the state of the virtual machine and interface.

    Before doing anything else, check the status of the source and destination virtual machines.

    • Is the Status of each virtual machine Up?

    • Are the corresponding tap interfaces Active?

    Check the virtual machine status in the Contrail UI:

    Figure 1: Virtual Machine Status WindowVirtual Machine Status Window

    Check the tap interface status in the http agent introspect, for example:

    https://<host ip address>:8085/Snh_ItfReq?name=

    Figure 2: Tap Interface Status WindowTap Interface Status Window

    When the virtual machine status is verified Up, and the tap interface is Active, you can focus on other factors that affect traffic, including routing, network policy, security policy, and service instances with static routes.

  2. Check reachability and routing.

    Use the following troubleshooting guidelines whenever you are experiencing ping failures on virtual network routes that are connected by means of network policy.

    Check the network policy configuration:

    • Verify that the policy is attached to each of the virtual networks.

    • Each attached policy should have either an explicit rule allowing traffic from one virtual network to the other, or an allow all traffic rule.

    • Verify that the order of the actions in the policy rules is correct, because the actions are applied in the order in which they are listed.

    • If there are multiple policies attached to a virtual network, verify that the policies are attached in a logical order. The first policy listed is applied first, and its rules are applied first, then the next policy is applied.

    • Finally, if either of the virtual networks does not have an explicit rule to allow traffic from the other virtual network, the traffic flow will be treated as an UNRESOLVED or SHORT flow and all packets will be dropped.

    Use the following sequence in the Contrail UI to check policies, attachments, and traffic rules:

    Check VN1-VN2 ACL information from the compute node:

    Figure 3: Policies, Attachments, and Traffic Rule Status WindowPolicies, Attachments, and Traffic Rule Status Window

    Check the virtual network policy configuration with route information:

    Figure 4: Virtual Network Policy Configuration WindowVirtual Network Policy Configuration Window

    Check the VN1 route information for VN2 routes:

    Figure 5: Virtual Network Route Information WindowVirtual Network Route Information Window

    If a route is missing, ping fails. Flow inspection in the compute node displays Action: D(rop).

    Repeated dropstats commands confirms the drop by incrementing the Flow Action Drop counter with each iteration of dropstats.

    Flow and dropstats commands issued at the compute node:

    Figure 6: Flow and Dropstats Command ListFlow and Dropstats Command List

    To help in debugging flows, you can use the detailed flow query from the agent introspect page for the compute node.

    Fields of interest include:

    • Inputs [from flow –l output]: src/dest ip, src/dest ports, protocol, and vrf

    • Output from detailed flow query: short_flow, src_vn, action_str->action

    Flow command output:

    Figure 7: Flow Command Output WindowFlow Command Output Window

    Fetching details of a single flow:

    Figure 8: Fetch Flow Record WindowFetch Flow Record Window

    Output from FetchFlowRecord shows unresolved IP addresses:

    Figure 9: Unresolved IP Address WindowUnresolved IP Address Window

    You can also retrieve information about unresolved flows from the Contrail UI, as shown in the following:

    Figure 10: Unresolved Flow Details WindowUnresolved Flow Details Window
  3. Check for protocol-specific network policy action.

    If you are still experiencing reachability issues, troubleshoot any protocol-specific action, where routes are exchanged, but only specific protocols are allowed.

    The following shows a sample query on a protocol-specific flow in the agent introspect:

    Figure 11: Protocol-Specific Flow SampleProtocol-Specific Flow Sample

    The following shows that the policy action clearly displays deny as the action.

    Figure 12: Protocol-Specific Flow Sample With Deny ActionProtocol-Specific Flow Sample With Deny Action


This topic explores one area —debugging for policy-based routing. However, in a complex system, a virtual network might have one or more configuration methods combined that influence reachability and routing.

For example, an environment might have a virtual network VN-X configured with policy-based routing to another virtual network VN-Y. At the same time, there are a few virtual machines in VN-X that have a floating IP to another virtual network VN-Z, which is connected to VN-XX via a NAT service instance. This is a complex scenario, and you need to debug step-by-step, taking into account all of the features working together.

Additionally, there are other considerations beyond routing and reachability that can affect traffic flow. For example, the rules of network policies and security groups can affect traffic to the destination. Also, if multi-path is involved, then ECMP and RPF need to be taken into account while debugging.