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Understanding Contrail Microservices Architecture

What is Contrail Microservices Architecture?

Employing microservices provides a number of benefits which includes:

  • Deploying patches without updating the entire Contrail deployment.

  • Better ways to manage the lifecycles of containers.

  • Improved user experiences with Contrail provisioning and upgrading.

  • Provisioning with minimum information provided.

  • Configuring every feature.

  • Simplify application complexity by implementing small, independent processes.

The containers and their processes are grouped as services and microservices, and are similar to pods in the Kubernetes open-source software used to manage containers on a server cluster.

Figure 1 shows how the Contrail containers and microservices are grouped into a pod structure upon installation.

Figure 1: Contrail Containers, Pods, and MicroservicesContrail Containers, Pods, and Microservices

Installing Contrail with Microservices Architecture

These procedures help you to install and manage Contrail with microservices architecture. Refer to the following topics for installation for the operating system appropriate for your system: