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Importing Contrail Cluster Data using Contrail Command

Contrail Networking supports importing of Contrail Cluster data to Contrail Command provisioned using one of the following applications - OpenStack, Kubernetes, VMware vCenter, and TripleO.

Before you begin

docker-py Python module is superseded by docker Python module. You must remove docker-py and docker Python packages from all the nodes where you want to install the Contrail Command UI.

System Requirements

  • A VM or physical server with:

    • 4 vCPUs

    • 32 GB RAM

    • 100 GB storage

  • Internet access to and from the physical server, which is the Contrail Command server.

  • (Recommended) x86 server with CentOS 7.6 as the base OS to install Contrail Command.

For a list of supported platforms for all Contrail Networking releases, see Contrail Networking Supported Platforms List.

Access Container Tags are located at README Access to Contrail Registry 21XX.

If you need access to Contrail docker private secure registry, e-mail for Contrail container registry credentials.


Perform the following steps to import Contrail Cluster data.

  1. Install Docker to pull contrail-command-deployer container. This package is necessary to automate the deployment of Contrail Command software.

    yum install -y yum-utils device-mapper-persistent-data lvm2

    yum-config-manager --add-repo

    yum install -y docker-ce-18.03.1.ce

    systemctl start docker

  2. Download the contrail-command-deployer Docker container image to deploy contrail-command (contrail_command, contrail_psql containers) from Allow Docker to connect to the private secure registry.

    docker login --username <container_registry_username> --password <container_registry_password>

    Pull contrail-command-deployer container from the private secure registry.

    docker pull<container_tag>

    Example, for container_tag:5.1.0-0.38, use the following command:

    docker pull

  3. Get the command_servers.yml file that was used to bring the Contrail Command server up and the configuration file that was used to provision the Contrail Cluster.

    "For OpenShift orchestrator use the ose-install file instead of instances.yml file.

  4. Start the contrail-command-deployer container to deploy the Contrail Command (UI) server and import Contrail Cluster data to Contrail Command (UI) server using the Cluster configuration file provided.
    • Import Contrail‑Cluster provisioned using a supported orchestrator (OpenStack/Kubernetes/OpenShift/vCenter/Mesos).

      docker run -td --net host -e orchestrator=<YOUR_ORCHESTRATOR> -e action=import_cluster -v < ABSOLUTE_PATH_TO_COMMAND_SERVERS_FILE>:/command_servers.yml -v < ABSOLUTE_PATH_TO_CLUSTER_CONFIG_FILE>:/instances.yml --privileged --name contrail_command_deployer<container_tag>

      To use the following supported orchestrators, replace <YOUR_ORCHESTRATOR> in the command with the options given below.

      • For OpenStack, use openstack.

      • For Kubernetes, use kubernetes.

      • For Red Hat OpenShift, use openshift.


        You must use ose-install file instead of instances.yml file.

      • For VMware vCenter, use vcenter.

      • For Mesos, use mesos.

    • Import Contrail‑Cluster provisioned using OSPDirector/TripleO Life Cycle Manager for RedHat OpenStack Orchestration.


      • IP_ADDRESS_OF_UNDERCLOUD_NODE is an Undercloud node IP that must be reachable from the contrail-command-deployer node. You must be able to SSH to Undercloud node from the contrail-command-deployer node.

      • External VIP is an Overcloud VIP where OpenStack and Contrail public endpoints are available. External VIP must be reachable from Contrail Command node.

      • DNS host name for Overcloud external VIP must be resolvable on Contrail Command node. Add the entry in the /etc/hosts file.

      docker run -td --net host -e orchestrator=tripleo -e action=import_cluster -e undercloud=<IP_ADDRESS_OF_UNDERCLOUD_NODE> -e undercloud_user=<user-name> -e undercloud_password=<STACK_USER_PASSWORD_FOR_SSH_TO_UNDERCLOUD> -v < ABSOLUTE_PATH_TO_COMMAND_SERVERS_FILE>:/command_servers.yml --privileged --name contrail_command_deployer<container_tag>


      undercloud_user is root by default. Otherwise, the undercloud username is stack in most of the cases.

      • Contrail command server must have access to External VIP network to communicate with the configured endpoints.

        Run the following commands:

      • If you have used domain name for the external VIP, add the entry in the /etc/hosts file.

        Run the following commands:

Sample instances.yml file