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How to Upgrade Contrail Networking Through Kubernetes and/or Red Hat OpenShift

Starting in Contrail Networking Release 21.3, you can update Contrail Networking through Kubernetes and/or Red Hat OpenShift.

You can use this procedure to update Contrail Networking deployed by the Tungsten Fabric (TF) Operator.

To update Contrail Networking:

  1. Update manifests with the new container tag.

    Only CONTRAIL_CONTAINER_TAG must have a new tag. The render manifest must be done with all the same exported environment variables used during the initial deployment.

  2. Update the tf-operator deployment.
  3. Wait and ensure that the tf-operator deployment is updated.
  4. Update Contrail Networking resources.
  5. Wait and ensure that the Contrail Control plane pods are updated.
  6. Use the contrail-status tool to check the Contrail Networking status on all the master nodes.
  7. Upgrade the Contrail vRouter components (one-by-one or by groups).
    • Choose a node to upgrade and obtain the vRouter daemon name for the node.

    • Delete the vRouter pod resource by specifying the name of the pod you want to delete.

    • Wait until the new daemon set is run by kubernetes on a node.

      Use kubectl get pods < > commad.

      The status is showing Running for all the vRouter daemon sets. The number of daemon set entries depends on the cluster size (that is number of master nodes and worker nodes).

      You can also verify the status of a particular daemon set. Obtain the new vrouter-daemonset from the kubectl describe node <node name> command. Check the status of that particular daemon set using the kubectl get pods -n tf | grep "vrouter1-vrouter-daemonset-XXX" command.

  8. Verify the vRouter agent status by using the contrail-status command on the node.

    Control/Master nodes

    Worker Nodes