Upgrade Procedure for RHOSP-based Contrail 3.2.x to Contrail 4.1
This section presents the steps to upgrade an OSP-based Contrail deployment from Contrail version 3.2.x to Contrail version 4.1.
Ensure that you have a cloud up and running with RHOSP10 Z4 and Contrail 3.2 before you proceed with the upgrade procedure.
This procedure has been validated with the following Contrail, Red Hat, and OpenStack versions.
Contrail Version |
Red Hat Version |
OpenStack Version |
3.2.3 |
RHEL 7.3 |
RHOSP10 (packages dated Apr. 15, 2017) |
3.2.6 |
RHEL 7.4 |
RHOSP10 (packages dated Feb. 2, 2018) |
4.1 |
RHEL 7.4 |
RHOSP10 (packages dated Feb. 27, 2018) |
4.1.1 |
RHEL 7.5 |
RHOSP10 (packages dated Jun. 4, 2018) RHOSP11 (packages dated Jun. 4, 2018) |
4.1.2 |
RHEL 7.5 |
RHOSP10 (packages dated Oct 29, 2018) |
For Contrail Release 4.1.1, you must ensure that the OpenJDK version is java-1.8.0-openjdk- This is because of a compatibility issue that the Cassandra 3.0 package has with the latest version of Open JDK provided in RHEL 7.5.
You must add the correct version of OpenJDK to the Contrail repository and remove the older version of the package from the contrail controllers and analytics database.
To upgrade to OpenStack Platform release 10, you must first apply the patch for updating puppet-tripleo. This is because of a bug in the OpenStack Platform release OSP10 z8. For more information, see https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1579184. This bug has been resolved in build puppet-tripleo-5.6.8-7.el7ost; see https://access.redhat.com/errata/RHBA-2018:2101. For more information about this bug, see https://bugs.launchpad.net/tripleo/+bug/1771324.
Upgrade the Undercloud
Upgrade the undercloud to the most current RHOSP10 version.
Log in to the undercloud as the stack user.
su – stack
Update the Contrail repositories.
sudo rm –rf /etc/yum.repos.d/*contrail*
curl http://newrepo.contrail41-dev.repo -o /etc/yum.repos.d/localrepo.repo
Stop the main OpenStack platform services.
sudo systemctl stop 'openstack-*' 'neutron-*' httpd
Update the
package and its dependencies to ensure you have the most current scripts for the minor version update.$ sudo yum update python-tripleoclient
Upgrade the undercloud.
$ openstack undercloud upgrade
Reboot the node.
$ sudo reboot
Wait until the node reboots, then check the status of all services.
Note:It can take as much as 10 minutes or more for the
to become active after a reboot.$ sudo systemctl list-units "openstack*" "neutron*" "openvswitch*"
Verify the version of RHEL after the undercloud upgrade.
[root@undercloud ~]# cat /etc/redhat-release Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 7.4 (Maipo) [root@undercloud ~]#
Check the versions of the RHOSP images to verify that the new images are available.
In the following example, the new images are rhosp-director-images-ipa-10.0-20180103.3.el7ost.noarch and rhosp-director-images-10.0-20180103.3.el7ost.noarch.
[root@undercloud ~]# rpm -qa | grep -i rhosp rhosp-director-images-ipa-10.0-20180103.3.el7ost.noarch rhosp-director-images-10.0-20180103.3.el7ost.noarch rhosp-director-images-ipa-10.0-20170615.1.el7ost.noarch rhosp-director-images-10.0-20170615.1.el7ost.noarch [root@undercloud ~]#
Verify the existence of the overcloud and its nodes.
$ openstack stack list
$ ironic node-list
Review the power status, provision state, and maintenance, ensuring:
Power state is set to Power on
Provision state is set to Active
Maintenance is set to False
Verify that all OpenStack servers are Active.
$ openstack server list
Figure 1: Server List
Update Red Hat Director Image Archives
The undercloud update process might download new image archives from the rhosp-director images and the rhosp-director-ipa packages. You’ll want to update your existing system with any new image archives.
Check the yum log to determine if new image archives are available.
$ sudo grep "rhosp-director-images" /var/log/yum.log
[stack@undercloud ~]$ sudo grep "rhosp-director-images" /var/log/yum.log Feb 05 16:03:59 Installed: rhosp-director-images-ipa-10.0-20180103.3.el7ost.noarch Feb 05 16:04:54 Installed: rhosp-director-images-10.0-20180103.3.el7ost.noarch [stack@undercloud ~]$
If new image archives are available, replace your current images with the new images. Before deploying any new images, remove any existing images from the images undercloud on the stack user’s home (/home/stack/images).
$ rm -rf ~/images/*
Extract the new image archives.
mkdir images cd images for i in /usr/share/rhosp-director-images/overcloud-full-latest-10.0.tar /usr/share/rhosp-director-images/ironic-python-agent-latest-10.0.tar; do tar -xvf $i; done
Install the Contrail package on the overcloud image by using the virt-customize command.
export LIBGUESTFS_BACKEND=direct /usr/bin/virt-customize -a /home/stack/images/overcloud-full.qcow2 \ --copy-in /etc/yum.repos.d/mylocalrepo.repo:/etc/yum.repos.d \ --run-command 'yum -y install puppet-tripleo contrail-tripleo-puppet puppet-contrail‘\ --run-command ‘ cp -r /usr/share/contrail-tripleo-puppet/ /usr/share/openstack-puppet/modules/tripleo/ ‘ \ --run-command 'rm -fr /var/cache/yum/*' \ --run-command 'yum clean all' \ --selinux-relabel
Import the new image archives into the undercloud and configure nodes to use the new images.
$ openstack overcloud image upload --update-existing --image-path /home/stack/images/ $ openstack baremetal configure boot
Verify that the images are uploaded.
$ glance image-list
Show the details of the new image that has been created. The new image will be used to add a new node in the overcloud.
$ glance image-show overcloud-full
Observe the contrail-status on all Contrail nodes. All services in the Contrail nodes, except the controller (OpenStack), should be up and running before proceeding with the upgrade.
[stack@undercloud ~]$ for i in $(nova list | grep contrail | awk '{print $12}' | cut -d '=' -f2); do ssh heat-admin@$i sudo contrail-status; done
Prepare Repositories on all Nodes
Delete existing repositories on all overcloud nodes. Be sure to verify each deletion.
for ipnode in $(nova list | sed '4,$ !d;$d'| awk -F 'ctlplane=' '{print $2}' | tr -d '|'); do echo cleaning yum repolist on $ipnode && ssh heat-admin@$ipnode 'find /etc/yum.repos.d/ ! -name 'contrail-install.repo' -type f -exec sudo rm -f {} +' ; done
Add new repositories on all overcloud nodes. Be sure to verify each addition.
for ipnode in $(nova list | sed '4,$ !d;$d'| awk -F 'ctlplane=' '{print $2}' | tr -d '|'); do echo cleaning yum repolist on $ipnode && ssh heat-admin@$ipnode ' curl http://newrepo.contrail41-dev.repo -o /etc/yum.repos.d/localrepo.rep' ; done
Upgrade the Operating System on Contrail Nodes
Define a list ($iplist) that contains all Contrail nodes.
Iplist=” @IPcontrailController1 @IPContrailController2 …”
Upgrade the operating system for all nodes in the iplist.
for ipnode in $iplist; do echo -e "\n\n\t******upgrade node : $ipnode ******" && ssh heat-admin@$ipnode 'sudo yum update -y --disablerepo=*contrail* --skip-broken && exit' ; done
Prepare the Contrail Packages
Check the undercloud Contrail packages versions for contrail-tripleo-puppet
, puppet-contrail
, and contrail-tripleo-puppet
. The newest
versions of those packages must be installed before proceeding with
the overcloud upgrade. See the following example, with current packages
[root@director-ctl ~]# rpm -qa | grep contrail contrail-tripleo-puppet- contrail-tripleo-heat-templates- puppet-contrail-
Upgrade the Contrail Heat Templates
You must copy the new Contrail Heat templates package to the undercloud node, while retaining a copy of the Heat templates that were used for the existing deployment.
Make a copy of all of the Heat templates that were used for deployment and save the copies, because the existing files will be overwritten by the new versions. The templates to copy are of the form contrail-services.yaml, contrail-net.yaml, and so on.
Copy the new contrail-tripleo-heat templates to the undercloud node.
cp -r /usr/share/contrail-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/contrail /home/stack/templates/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/ cp -r /usr/share/contrail-tripleo-heat-templates/puppet/services/network/* /home/stack/templates/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/puppet/services/network
Modify the Yum Update Script for TripleO Puppet
Before starting the upgrade, a few Puppet commands must be added to the yum_update script, located at:
Update the following Puppet commands in the yum_update.sh. Refer to the following patch for details regarding the exact placement of the commands patch: https://github.com/Juniper/contrail-tripleo-heat-templates/blob/stable/newton/environments/contrail/yum_updates.patch
yum install -y contrail-tripleo-puppet puppet-contrail
rsync -a /usr/share/contrail-tripleo-puppet/ /usr/share/openstack-puppet/modules/tripleo/
Ensure that the new version of the packages puppet-contrail and contrail-tripleo-puppet have been installed on the Contrail nodes, and that contrail-tripleo-puppet has been copied to openstack-puppet.
rm -rf /usr/share/openstack-puppet/modules/tripleo/contrail-tripleo-puppet
cp -R /usr/share/contrail-tripleo-puppet/ /usr/share/openstack-puppet/modules/tripleo
Update the fields
*contrail version
and*contrail repo
.Filename: \templates/environments/contrail/contrail-services.yaml.
Add the following parameters:
ContrailVersion: 4
ContrailRepo : <location of the contrail-41 repo>
Update the Overcloud Deployment Plan
Update the current plan by rerunning the command used for cloud deployment and adding the suffix
- -update-plan-only
.<openstack overcloud deploy> –update-plan-only
openstack overcloud deploy --update-plan-only --templates /home/stack/tripleo-heat-templates/ \ --roles-file /home/stack/tripleo-heat-templates/environments/contrail/roles_data.yaml \ -e /home/stack/tripleo-heat-templates/environments/puppet-pacemaker.yaml \ -e /home/stack/tripleo-heat-templates/environments/contrail/contrail-services.yaml \ -e /home/stack/tripleo-heat-templates/environments/contrail/network-isolation.yaml \ -e /home/stack/tripleo-heat-templates/environments/contrail/contrail-net.yaml \ -e /home/stack/tripleo-heat-templates/environments/ips-from-pool-all.yaml \ -e /home/stack/tripleo-heat-templates/environments/network-management.yaml \ -e /home/stack/tripleo-heat-templates/extraconfig/pre_deploy/rhel-registration/environment-rhel-registration.yaml \ -e /home/stack/tripleo-heat-templates/extraconfig/pre_deploy/rhel-registration/rhel-registration-resource-registry.yaml \ --libvirt-type qemu
Make a copy of the existing deploy script to the
. Theupdate-stack.sh
is the script used to update the overcloud plan, and it references the same templates that were used to deploy the stack. All files used for the overcloud update should be identical to the files used for deployment, with the exception of thecontrail-services
file that was updated with the latestcontrail-version
.cp deploy.sh update-stack.sh
Update the deployment plan.
Upgrade Cautions
The steps to perform the overcloud upgrade are service disrupting, and should only be performed within a maintenance window.
Potential Packages Failures
Read the following before proceeding with the overcloud upgrade. The upgrade may fail due to packages conflicts in Contrail nodes for analytics, analytics database, and Contrail controllers. Some observed failures due to packages conflicts are detailed in this section.
OpenStack Undercloud Upgrade Failure
From Version: RHEL-7.3 with rhosp-director-images-10.0-20170228.1.el7ost.noarch To Version: RHEL-7.5 with rhosp-director-images-10.0-20180628.2.el7ost.noarch
OpenStack undercloud upgrade may fail with the following error message:
INFO: 2018-06-13 20:17:03 - Could not retrieve fact='current_nova_host', resolution='<anonymous>': uninitialized constant Tempfile 2018-06-13 20:17:04,404 INFO: 2018-06-13 20:17:04 - ^[[1;31mError: Puppet::Parser::AST::Resource failed with error ArgumentError: Invalid resource type sysctl::value at /etc/puppet/manifests/puppet-stack-config.pp:24 on node undercloud.example.com^[[0m
For more information about this error, see https://bugs.launchpad.net/juniperopenstack/+bug/1792036.
Contrail-api Service Not Restarted During Upgrade
Contrail-api remains in the initializing state during upgrade. Modify the puppet file as described in https://github.com/Juniper/puppet-contrail/commit/b5ec14743d6c13cf847f277f1d28a404931c7b0e.
This issue has been resolved in Contrail Release 4.1.2.
Contrail-api Service Down After Upgrade
You can resolve this issue by removing the admin_token
entry from the /etc/contrail/contrail-keystone-auth.conf file. For more information, see https://bugs.launchpad.net/juniperopenstack/+bug/1791861.
This issue has been resolved in Contrail Release 4.1.2.
Overcloud Update Failure
Upgrade from OpenStack Platform release 10 GA image to the latest
version hangs because of a systemd
bug. For more information,
see https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1582338
To upgrade from Contrail Release 3.2.x to 4.1.1:
Run the following command before you start the update:
source ~/stackrc for address in $(openstack server list -f json | jq -r -c '.[] | .Networks' | grep -oP '[0-9.]+'); do \ ssh -q -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no heat-admin@$address \ 'sudo yum install -y yum-plugin-versionlock; \ sudo yum versionlock add systemd systemd-libs libgudev1 systemd-sysv rsyslog;' done
Run the overcloud update.
Run the following command:
source ~/stackrc for address in $(openstack server list -f json | jq -r -c '.[] | .Networks' | grep -oP '[0-9.]+'); do \ ssh -q -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no heat-admin@$address \ 'sudo yum versionlock del systemd systemd-libs libgudev1 systemd-sysv rsyslog; sudo yum versionlock add java-1.8.0-openjdk-headless- java-1.8.0-openjdk-; sudo yum update -y' done
Restart the node.
Analytics Database Failure
You may encounter a Cassandra package version conflict issue.
Error message: cassandra22 conflicts with cassandra-3.10-0contrail0.el7.centos.noarch
Solution: Remove the cassandra22 package.
sudo rpm -e --nodeps cassandra22-2.2.8-1.noarch
Analytics Node Failure
Error message: file /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/redis/__init__.py
from install of python-redis-2.10.3-3.el7ost.noarch conflicts with
file from package redis-py-0.1-2contrail.el7.noarch
Solution: Remove the redis-py package.
sudo rpm -e python-redis-2.10.3-3.el7ost.noarch
Contrail Controller Failure
Error message: cassandra22 conflicts with cassandra-3.10-0contrail0.el7.centos.noarch
Solution: Remove the cassandra22 package.
sudo rpm -e --nodeps cassandra22-2.2.8-1.noarch
You can delete redis-py from the analytics node, and delete cassandra22 from the analytics database and the Contrail controllers node.
Contrail vRouter Package Conflict
Error message: /etc/init.d/contrail-vrouter-nodemgr
conflicts between attempted installs of contrail-openstack-vrouter-
and contrail-vrouter-agent-
Solution: Remove the contrail-openstack-vrouter.
yum remove contrail-openstack-vrouter
Analytics Node snmp-lib Version Conflict
Error message: duplicate versions of net-snmp-libs
-> net-snmp-libs-5.7.2-28.el7_4.1.x86_64 is a duplicate with 1:net-snmp-libs-5.7.2-28.el7.i686
rpm -e --nodeps net-snmp-libs
Upgrade the Overcloud
The steps in this section are service disrupting, and should only be performed within a maintenance window.
Update the overcloud stack.
$ openstack overcloud update stack -i overcloud 2018-02-09 16:24:46Z [overcloud]: UPDATE_COMPLETE Stack UPDATE completed successfully Stack overcloud UPDATE_COMPLETE Overcloud Endpoint: http://19x.xxx.xxx.xx:5000/v2.0 Overcloud Deployed
Verify the overcloud stack status, the contrail-status, and the contrail-version after the upgrade.
Overcloud Stack Status
[stack@undercloud ~]$ openstack stack list +--------------------------------------+------------+-----------------+----------------------+----------------------+ | ID | Stack Name | Stack Status | Creation Time | Updated Time | +--------------------------------------+------------+-----------------+----------------------+----------------------+ | e56c5512-3e32-4940-a05a-e194f48ce67a | overcloud | UPDATE_COMPLETE | 2018-02-16T20:32:17Z | 2018-02-21T01:12:08Z | +--------------------------------------+------------+-----------------+----------------------+----------------------+ [stack@undercloud ~]$
Contrail Stack Status
for i in $(nova list | grep contrail | awk '{print $12}' | cut -d '=' -f2); do ssh heat-admin@$i sudo contrail-status; done
Contrail Version Check
for i in $(nova list | grep contrail | awk '{print $12}' | cut -d '=' -f2); do ssh heat-admin@$i sudo contrail-version; done
Contrail Service Recovery After Upgrade
Upon completing the upgrade, you might have some Contrail services reporting status down on some nodes. this section provides recovery suggestions for different services.
Contrail Controller Services
In a recent upgrade, the following services were down in the Contrail controller nodes.
contrail-control — failed
contrail-dns — failed
To determine the root cause of these failures, check the Contrail logs in /var/log/contrail/ .
In this example, it was the IFMap and Discovery services causing the failures, because those services are no longer used in the Contrail 4.x releases.
Remove the IFMap and Discover configuration sections from:
Restart the services contrail-controller and contrail-dns.
service contrail-control restart
service contrail-dns restart
Verify that the services contrail-controller and contrail-dns are up and running after the restart.
Contrail Compute Services
On the Contrail compute node, the contrail-vrouter-agent
service might be down after the upgrade. The vrouter agent is dependent
on the kernel module. The RHEL7.3 has been upgraded to RHEL7.4, and
the node needs to b rebooted to ensure the correct kernel module gets
Reboot the node.
After reboot, restart the vrouter service..
service supervisor-vrouter restart
Verify that all Contrail services are up and running.