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Configuring Traffic Analyzers and Packet Capture for Mirroring

Contrail provides traffic mirroring so you can mirror specified traffic to a traffic analyzer where you can perform deep traffic inspection. Traffic mirroring enables you to designate certain traffic flows to be mirrored to a traffic analyzer, where you can view traffic flows in great detail.

Use Monitor > Debug > Packet Capture to configure packets to be captured and “mirrored” to a virtual machine configured as a traffic analyzer. The packet activity can then be inspected for monitoring and troubleshooting purposes. This section demonstrates how to set up packet capture to mirror traffic packets to an analyzer.

Traffic Analyzer Images

Before using the Contrail interface to configure traffic analyzers and packet capture for mirroring, make sure that the following analyzer images are available in the VM image list for your system. The traffic analyzer images are enhanced for viewing details of captured packets in Wireshark. When creating a policy for the traffic analyzer, the traffic analyzer instance should always have the Mirror to field selected in the policy, do not select the Apply Service field for a traffic analyzer.

  • analyzer-vm-console-qcow2—Standard traffic analyzer; should be named analyzer in the image list. This type of traffic analyzer is always configured with a single interface, and the interface should be a Left interface.

  • analyzer-vm-console-two-if qcow2—This type of traffic analyzer has two interfaces, Left and Management. This traffic analyzer can have any name except the name analyzer, which is reserved for the single interface analyzer.


The analyzer-vm images are valid for all versions of Contrail. Download the images from the Contrail 1.0 software download page: .

Configuring Traffic Analyzers

In Contrail Controller, you use a two-part configuration to mirror captured packet traffic to a traffic analyzer, where the traffic details can be inspected. The configuration has the following steps:

  1. Configure analyzer(s) on the host.

  2. Set up rules for packet capture.

Additionally, there are two ways to configure the packet capture for the analyzers from within the Contrail interface:

  • Configure from Monitor > Debug > Packet Capture

  • Configure from Configure > Networking > Services

Setting Up Traffic Mirroring Using Monitor > Debug > Packet Capture

The following are the steps needed to set up packet capture in order to “mirror” the traffic to an analyzer VM for the purpose of reviewing various aspects of packet traffic moving through the system.

  1. Select Monitor > Debug > Packet Capture. The Packet Capture screen appears; see Figure 1.
    Figure 1: Packet CapturePacket Capture
  2. Click Create to add an analyzer; see Figure 2.
    Figure 2: Create AnalyzerCreate Analyzer
  3. In the Analyzer Name field, enter a name for the analyzer and in the Virtual Network field, select Automatic or select a specific virtual network from the drop-down list of available networks; click Save when finished.
  4. To create rules for the analyzer, in the lower portion of the Create Analyzer screen, click the + button to add a rule.

    The Analyzer Rules fields appear; see Figure 3.

    Figure 3: Analyzer RulesAnalyzer Rules
  5. Select the rules to apply to determine which packets should be “mirrored”—sent to the analyzer for monitoring.

    See Table 1 for guidelines for completing the rule fields.

    Table 1: Analyzer Rule Fields



    IP Protocol

    Select from a list to define from which protocol packets are to be captured:

    • ANY

    • TCP

    • UDP

    • ICMP

    Source Network

    Select from a list the source network from which packets are to be captured:

    • any

    • local

    • domain:network 1

    • domain:network 2

    • domain:network .....

    Source Ports

    If you want to capture only those packets that originate from a specific port number, enter the port number.


    Select the direction of flow for the packets to be captured:

    • Bidirectional

    • Unidirectional

    Destination Network

    Select from a list the destination network for the packets to be captured:

    • any

    • local

    • domain:network 1

    • domain:network 2

    • domain:network .....

    Destination Ports

    If you want to capture only those packets that are destined to a specific port number, enter the port number.

    Cancel, Save

    When finished, click Save to commit your selections, or click Cancel to clear the entries and start over.

  6. To associate virtual networks with the analyzer, click the Associate Networks field in the center portion of the screen. Select from a drop-down list of available networks the networks to associate with this analyzer; see Figure 4.
    Figure 4: Create Analyzer Associate NetworksCreate Analyzer Associate Networks

    If there is already a network policy attached to the virtual network selected, any conflicting rules configured for the analyzer will not take effect.

  7. View the analyzer activity from Monitor > Debug > Packet Capture. For the selected analyzer, click in the Action column and select View Analyzer; see Figure 5.
    Figure 5: Launch Analyzer VMLaunch Analyzer VM
  8. The Wireshark Packet Capture Display appears; see Figure 6.
    Figure 6: Packet Capture DisplayPacket Capture Display

Setting Up Traffic Mirroring Using Configure > Networking > Services

You can set up packet capture for mirroring to an analyzer within a service chain utilizing more than one interface by starting with a service template. The following procedure provides the steps needed.

  1. Access Configure > Services > Service Templates.

    The Service Templates screen appears; see Figure 7.

    Figure 7: Service TemplatesService Templates
  2. To create a new service template, click the + icon.

    The Create window appears. Select the Service Template tab; see Figure 8.

    Figure 8: Create Service TemplateCreate Service Template
  3. Complete the fields by using the guidelines in Table 2.
    Table 2: Create Service Template Fields




    Enter a descriptive text name for this service template.


    Select v2 from the drop-down list to indicate that this service template is based on templates version 2, valid for Contrail 3.0 and later.

    Virtualization Type

    Select Virtual Machine from the drop-down list to indicate the virtualization type for mirroring for this template.

    Service Mode

    Select Transparent from the drop-down list to indicate that this service template is for transparent mirroring.

    Service Type

    Select Analyzer from the drop-down list to indicate that this service template is for a traffic analyzer.


    From the drop-down list, click the check boxes to indicate which interface types are used for this analyzer service template:

    • Left

    • Right

    • Management


    When finished, click OK to commit the changes


    Click Cancel to clear the fields and start over.

  4. Create a service instance by clicking the Service Instances link and clicking the + icon.

    The Create window appears; make sure the Service Instance tab is selected. See Figure 9.

    Figure 9: Create Service InstancesCreate Service Instances
  5. Complete the fields by using the guidelines in Table 3.
    Table 3: Create Service Instances Fields




    Enter a text name for this service instance.

    Service Template

    Select from a drop-down list of available service templates the template to use for this service instance, analyzer-service-template in this example.

    Interface Type

    Each interface configured in the service template for this instance appears in a list.

    Virtual Network

    Select from a drop-down list of available virtual networks the network for each interface that is configured for the instance.


    Click Save to commit your changes.


    Click Cancel to clear your changes and start over.

  6. To create a network policy rule for this service instance, click Configure > Networking > Policies. The Policies window appears. Click the + icon to get to the Create window; see Figure 10.
    Figure 10: Create PolicyCreate Policy

  7. Enter a name for the policy, then click the + icon in the lower portion of the screen to configure rules for the policy, see Figure 11.
    Figure 11: Create Policy RulesCreate Policy Rules
  8. To add policy rules, complete the fields, using the guidelines in Table 4.

    When there is a network policy attached to the virtual network, any conflicting rules configured for the analyzer will not take effect.

    Table 4: Add Rule Fields




    Select PASS or DENY as the rule action.


    Select the protocol for the policy rule, or select ANY.


    Select from multiple drop-down lists the source for this rule, including options under CIDR, Network, Policy, or Security Group.


    Select from a drop-down list the source ports for the rule.


    Select the direction of flow for the packets to be captured:

    • <> (bidirectional)

    • > (unidirectional)


    Select from multiple drop-down lists the destination for this rule, including options under CIDR, Network, Policy, or Security Group.


    Select from a list the destination ports for the packets to be captured.

    check boxes

    Check any box that applies to this rule: Log, Services, Mirror, QoS.


    Click Save to commit your changes.


    Click Cancel to clear your changes and start over.

  9. When finished, click Save.
  10. To verify packet capture, at Configure > Services > Service Instances, select the analyzer service instance and click View Console.

    The packet capture displays; see Figure 12. The analyzer service VM launches the Contrail-enhanced Wireshark as it starts and captures the mirrored packets destined to this service.

    Figure 12: Service Instances View ConsoleService Instances View Console