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Upload a Custom Font

Custom typeface or fonts can be used to change the font of the user interface in administration and customer portals.

To upload a custom typeface file:

  1. Click More > Uplaod Font.

    The Upload Font page appears.

  2. Click Browse to upload a customized typeface file (zip file).

    The zip file contains four formats of custom font styles (EOT, SVG, WOFF, and WOFF2) and a CSS file. You must add all four font files to the CSS file. The zip filename should be same as the CSS filename.

  3. Click Upload.

    A confirmation message The font added appears and the custom typeface file is saved in CSO.

    (Optional) To view the different formats of files to be uploaded to customize your font, click Download Sample Font File.

    The sample font file is downloaded to your local file system.