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About the Customer Portal Dashboard

To access the dashboard, select Customer Portal > Dashboard.

The user-configurable dashboard that offers you a customized view of network services through its widgets.

You can drag these widgets from the top of the dashboard to your workspace, where you can add, remove, and rearrange them to meet your needs.

The dashboard automatically adjusts the placement of the widgets to dynamically fit on your browser window without changing their order. You can manually reorder the widgets by using the drag and drop option. In addition, you can press and hold the top portion of the widget to move it to a new location.

Tasks You Can Perform

You can perform the following tasks from this page:

  • Customize the dashboard by adding, removing, and rearranging the widgets.

  • Update the dashboard or an individual widget by clicking the refresh icon.

  • Show or hide widget thumbnails in the carousel by selecting the category of widgets that you want to view from the list at the top left of the carousel; the default is All Widgets.

  • Add a widget to the dashboard by dragging the widget from the palette or thumbnail container into the dashboard.

  • Delete a widget from the dashboard page by clicking delete icon (X) in the title bar of the widget and confirming the delete operation.

  • Add a dashboard tab by clicking the + icon, (optionally) entering a name, and pressing Enter.

    You can then add widgets to the dashboard as needed.

  • Rename a dashboard by double-clicking on the title bar of the dashboard, entering a name, and pressing Enter.

  • Delete a dashboard by clicking the delete icon (X icon ) in the title bar of the dashboard and confirming the delete operation.

  • Search for a widget by clicking the search icon (magnifying glass) at the top left of the carousel, entering search text, and pressing Enter.

Field Descriptions

You can quickly view important data by using the widgets at the top of your dashboard.

Table 1 describes the dashboard widgets.

Table 1: Widgets on the Customer Portal Dashboard



Tenant Sites: Total Alerts

Displays the total number of alerts grouped by severity level.

Click each alert name to view the total number of tenant sites receiving alerts that are critical, major, or minor.

Top 5 Sites with Alerts

Displays the top five sites in the tenant receiving alerts.

  • Name—Name of the tenant site.

  • Location—Location of the tenant site.

  • Status—Type of alerts received: critical, major, or minor.

Top Sites not meeting SLA

Displays a bar chart of the top sites in the tenant that did not meet SLA requirements and the percentage of time that SLA requirements were not met.

You can sort the information based on profile and period ranging from the last hour to the last month.

Top Profiles not meeting SLA

Displays a bar chart of the top SLA profiles that did not meet SLA requirements and the percentage of time that SLA requirements were not met.

You can sort the information based on location and period ranging from the last hour to the last month.

Top Sites Switching Links

Displays a column chart of the top sites in the tenant that switched WAN links to meet SLA requirements and the number of link-switch events for the sites.

You can sort the information based on profile and period ranging from the last hour to the last month.

Top Profiles Switching Links

Displays a column chart of the top SLA profiles that switched WAN links and the number of link-switch events for the SLA profiles.

You can sort the information based on location and period ranging from the last hour to the last month.

Top Applications by Throughput

Displays a bar chart of the top sites in the tenant that did not meet SLA requirements and the percentage of time that SLA requirements were not met.

You can sort the information based on profile, location, and time period.

CSO refreshes the traffic data either at the close of each session or at fixed time intervals, depending on the Traffic Volume Metrics (Session-Based or Time-Based) configured for the site.

Firewall: Top Denials

Displays a column chart of the top requests denied by the firewall based on their source IP addresses, sorted by count.

You can sort the information based on time period ranging from 5 minutes to 7 days.

Firewall: Top Events

Displays a bar chart of the top firewall events of the network traffic, sorted by count.

You can sort the information based on time period ranging from 5 minutes to 7 days.

IPS: Top Events

Displays the top IPS events of the network traffic, sorted by count.

You can sort the information based on time period ranging from 5 minutes to 7 days.

Applications: Top by Sessions

Displays a bar chart of the top applications with a maximum number of sessions, sorted by count.

You can sort the information based on time period ranging from 5 minutes to 7 days.

IP: Top Destinations

Displays the top IP destination addresses of the network traffic, sorted by count.

You can sort the information based on time period ranging from 5 minutes to 7 days.

IP: Top Sources

Displays the top IP source addresses of the network traffic, sorted by count.

You can sort the information based on time period ranging from 5 minutes to 7 days.

IP: Top Spams by Source IPs

Displays the number of spams detected by the source IPs.

You can sort the information based on time period ranging from 5 minutes to 7 days.

Virus: Top Blocked

Displays viruses with the maximum number of blocks, sorted by count.

You can sort the information based on time period ranging from 5 minutes to 7 days.

Web Filtering: Top Blocked Websites

Displays a bar chart of websites with the maximum number of blocks, sorted by count.

You can sort the information based on time period ranging from 5 minutes to 7 days.

IP: Top Source IPs by Volume

Displays the top source IP addresses based on volume of traffic, sorted by count.

You can sort the information based on time period ranging from 15 minutes to 7 days.

Application: Top Application by Volume

Displays the applications based on volume of traffic, sorted by count.

You can sort the information based on time period ranging from 5 minutes to 7 days and view the information in a bar chart or a bubble chart.

IP: Top Users/IP by Sessions

Displays the top source IP addresses by sessions, sorted by count.

You can sort the information based on time period ranging from 15 minutes to 7 days.

Threat Map: Virus

Displays a world map showing total virus event count across countries.

You can sort the information based on source, destination, and time period ranging from 5 minutes to 7 days.

Threat Map: IPS

Displays a world map showing total IPS event count across countries.

You can sort the information based on source, destination, and time period ranging from 5 minutes to 7 days.