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Viewing Information About Microservices

When you log into Kibana, you see the Discover page, which displays a chart of the number of logs for a specific time period and a list of events for the deployment. You can filter this data to view subsets of logs and add fields to the table to find the specific information that you need. You can also change the time period for which you view events.

Filtering Data in Kibana

To filter data in Kibana:

  1. Specify a high-level query in the search field to view a subset of the logs.

    You can use keywords from the list of fields in the navigation bar, and specific values for parameters that you configure in Contrail Service Orchestration (CSO), such as a specific tenant name, SD-WAN policy name, job ID, job name, or a specific network service.

    For example, specify the following query to view logs concerning timestamp May 24th 2018 for the tenant name default-tenant.

    _exists_: May 24th 2018 AND default-tenant

  2. Select one or more fields from the left navigation bar.

    For example, select message to show details about the message for the customer.

Troubleshooting Microservices

You can use the troubleshooting dashboard to investigate issues for the microservices.

To use the troubleshooting dashboard:

  1. From the Kibana GUI, select Dashboard > Troubleshooting.

    If the troubleshooting dashboard is not available, click the plus(+) icon in the menu bar to add a visualization. Enter Troubleshooting in the search bar.

    The troubleshooting dashboard appears, displaying the following predefined monitoring applications:

    • Log Level Vs Count

      This widget shows the number of logs for each alert level.

    • Status Code Vs Count

      This widget shows the number of logs for each HTTP status code.

    • Service App Name Vs Status Code

      This widget shows a visual representation of the number of logs for each microservice analyzed by HTTP status code.

  2. Click on an option, such as an alert level, in a widget to filter the data and drill down to a specific issue.

Analyzing Performance

You can use the troubleshooting dashboard to investigate issues for the microservices.

To use the troubleshooting dashboard:

  1. From the Kibana GUI, select Dashboard > Performance Analysis.

    If the performance analysis dashboard is not available, click the plus(+) icon in the menu bar to add a visualization. Enter Performance Analysis in the search bar.

    The Performance Analysis dashboard appears, displaying the following predefined monitoring applications:

    • API Vs Min/Average/Max Elapsed time

      This widget shows how long an API associated with a microservice has been in use. You can view minimum, maximum, or average durations.

    • Request ID Vs Timestamp

      This widget shows when an API was called.

    • API Vs Count

      This widget shows the number of times an API has been called.

    • Application Vs API

      This widget shows the level of microservice use analyzed by the type of API call.

    • Request ID Vs Application Vs API

      This widget provides an analysis of requests by API or microservice.

  2. Click on an option, such as a request identifier, in a widget to filter the data and drill down to a specific issue.