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Retrying a Failed Job on Devices

As a service provider user or OpCo user with the Job Retry capability, you can retry a failed job instead of redoing the tasks involved in the job, to save time.


Before you retry a failed job, identify the reason for the failure and then fix it, before retrying the job.

For example, if the bootstrap process failed because the device could not establish an outbound SSH connection, you must fix the problem and ensure that the outbound SSH connection is established before you retry the bootstrap job.

You can retry only the following jobs that did not complete successfully on your devices:

  • ZTP jobs

  • Bootstrap jobs

To retry a job that was not successful:

  1. Select Monitor > Jobs.

    The Jobs page appears.

  2. Select the failed job that you want to retry.
  3. Click the Retry Job button on the top-right corner of the page.

    A retry job is created and executed.

    If the job is successful, a confirmation message appears and the job status changes to Success on the Jobs page.