Provision VMs on Contrail Service Orchestration Servers
Virtual machines (VMs) on the Contrail Service Orchestration (CSO) servers host the infrastructure services and some components.
If you use a KVM hypervisor while installing an SD-WAN solution, you must create a bridge interface on the physical server. The bridge interface should map the primary network interface (Ethernet management interface) on each CSO server to a virtual interface before you create VMs. This bridge interface enables the VMs to communicate with the network.
Network devices (routers) must be configured with the required configurations.
All the physical servers where KVM VMs are provisioned must have Ubuntu 16.04.5 LTS installed.
All the VMs, except Contrail Analytics VMs, where CSO components are deployed must have Ubuntu 16.04.5 LTS OS installed.
All the Contrail Analytics VMs where CSO components are deployed must have CentOS version 7.7.1908 installed.
Ensure that the VMs and associated resources meet the requirements as given at Minimum Requirements for Servers and VMs.
You must have a DNS server with high availability for the on-premise Kubernetes cluster.
Verify the DNS server configuration on the servers.
All the VMs must have SSH enabled.
All the VMs must be on the same subnet.
All the VMs can reach one another.
All the operations and installations must be run as root user.
Verify that all the VMs have the correct Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN).
Before You Begin
Before you begin, you must:
Configure the physical servers.
Ensure that the VMs meet the server requirements listed in Minimum Requirements for Servers and VMs.
Each type of the CSO VM must be distributed across different servers in different racks to avoid server or top-of-rack switch failure. We recommend that you use three servers.
Install Ubuntu 16.04.5 LTS as the operating system for the physical servers.
Create a Bridge Interface for KVM Hypervisors
If you use a KVM hypervisor, you must create a bridge interface on the physical server that maps the primary network interface (Ethernet management interface) on each CSO server to a virtual interface before you create the VMs. The bridge interface enables the VMs to communicate with the network.
To create a bridge interface:
Download the Installer for KVM Hypervisor
To download the installer for KVM hypervisors and then provision the VMs:
Download the Installer for ESXi Hypervisor
To download the installer for ESXi hypervisors and then provision the VMs:
After you provision the VMs:
Assign an IP address to the logical interface (ens192) associated with each VM, except contrail_analytics VMs.
For example:
vi /etc/network/interfaces auto ens192 iface ens192 inet static address Juniper Business Use Only netmask network 192.168.x.0 broadcast 192.168.x.255 gateway 192.168.x.1 dns-nameservers x.x.x.x dns-search
Note:The file must contain only the entries listed above. Remove all other entries in the file.
Assign an IP address to the logical interface (ens192) associated with the contrail_analytics VM.
vi /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-ens192 TYPE="Ethernet" PROXY_METHOD="none" BROWSER_ONLY="no" BOOTPROTO="none" DEFROUTE="yes" IPV4_FAILURE_FATAL="no" IPV6INIT="yes" IPV6_AUTOCONF="yes" IPV6_DEFROUTE="yes" IPV6_FAILURE_FATAL="no" IPV6_ADDR_GEN_MODE="stable-privacy" NAME="ens192" DEVICE="ens192" ONBOOT="yes" IPADDR="192.168.x.15" PREFIX="24" GATEWAY="192.168.x.1" DNS1="x.x.x.x" NETWORK="192.168.x.0" NETMASK="" BROADCAST="192.168.x.255" DOMAIN="" IPV6_PRIVACY="no"
Configure a valid hostname for all the VMs. and update the /etc/hostname file.
Note:The hostnames must start and end with an alphanumeric character. The hostnames can contain only the following special characters—hyphen (-) and period (.). The hostnames cannot contain uppercase letters.
Update the /etc/hosts file on all the VMs.
For example: <hostname>.<domain-name> <hostname>
Note:The file must contain only the entry listed above. Remove all other entries in the file.
Add a valid DNS IP address in the /etc/resolve.conf file on all the VMs.
nameserver <nameserver-ip-address>
search <domain-name>
Reboot all the VMs.
Verify Connectivity of the VMs
From each VM, verify that you can ping the IP addresses and hostnames of all the other servers, and VMs in the CSO deployment.
If the VMs cannot communicate with all the other hosts in the deployment, the installation will fail.