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Add an Operating Company (OpCo)


This topic is applicable to the CSO on-premises version.

An operating company (OpCo) is a managed service provider that can add and manage its own tenants and provide services to those tenants. Only users with the SP Administrator role or equivalent permissions can add OpCos. For more information on OpCos, see Operating Companies Overview in the CSO Administration Portal User Guide (available on the CSO Documentation page).

To add an OpCo:

  1. Select Tenants > Operating Companies.

    The Operating Companies (OpCo) page appears.

  2. Click the Add icon (+).

    The Create Operating Company (OpCo) page appears.

  3. Complete the configuration according to the guidelines provided in Table 1.

    Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.

  4. Click OK.

    CSO triggers a job to add an OpCo and returns you to the Operating Companies (OpCo) page. A confirmation message with a link to the triggered job appears on the top of the page. When the job finishes, a confirmation message appears along with a link to the job. (You can click the job link to view the job details or go to the Jobs page (Resources > Jobs) and view the job details.)

    The new operating company is then displayed on the Operating Companies (OpCo) page.

Table 1: Fields on the Create Operating Company Page




Enter a unique name for the operating company. The name can contain alphanumeric characters, underscores, and periods, and cannot exceed 15 characters.

Portal URL


Admin Portal

Enter the URL that OpCo users must use to access the CSO Administration Portal.

Tenant Portal

Enter the URL that OpCo users must use to access the CSO Customer Portal.

Authentication Method for OpCo


SP User

Select the authentication method to authenticate OpCo users.

  • Same as Global—Select this option to use the authentication method which is used by the Global SP.

  • Allow OpCo to decide—Select this option to use OpCo’s own authentication method.

Tenant User

Select the authentication method to authenticate OpCo’s tenant users. The default method is local authentication.

  • Same as Global—Select this option to use the authentication method which is used by the Global SP.

  • Allow OpCo to decide—Select this option to use OpCo’s own authentication method.

Admin User


First Name

Enter the first name of the OpCo administrator user.

Last Name

Enter the last name of the OpCo administrator user.

Username (Email)

Enter the e-mail address of the OpCo administrator user.

The e-mail address is the username that the OpCo Administrator user will use to log in to CSO.

OpCos [Roles]

Select one or more OpCo roles that you want to assign to the OpCo administrator user, and click the greater than (>) icon. Both predefined and custom roles are displayed.

The following are the predefined roles for OpCo users:

  • OpCo Admin—Users with the OpCo Admin role have full access to the OpCo’s Administration Portal UI or API capabilities.

  • OpCo Operator—Users with the OpCo Operator role have read-only access to the OpCo’s Customer Portal UI and APIs.

Tenants [Roles]

Select one or more tenant roles (predefined or custom) that you want to assign to the OpCo administrator user and click the greater than (>) icon. Both predefined and custom roles are displayed.

The following are the predefined tenant roles available:

  • Tenant Admin—Users with the Tenant Admin role have full access to the Customer Portal UI or API capabilities.

  • Tenant Operator—Users with the Tenant Operator role have read-only access to the Customer Portal UI and APIs.

Password Policy


Password Expiration Days

Specify the duration (in days) after which the password expires and must be changed.

The range is from 1 through 365, and the default value is 180 days.

MAP-E Network Settings

MAP-E for Tenants

Click the toggle button to enable the OpCo’s tenants to configure the Mapping of Address and Port with Encapsulation (MAP-E) functionality for their branch sites with NFX150 as the CPE. MAP-E supports transporting IPv4 packets across an IPv6 network by using IPv4-in-IPv6 encapsulation.

If you enable this toggle button, you must select a manufacturer code to be associated with the OpCo user.


MAP-E is compliant only with the Japan Network Enabler (JPNE) standards.

Manufacturer Code

From the list of manufacturer codes assigned to Juniper Networks, select a manufacturer code to be associated with the OpCo user.

If a tenant belonging to the OpCo enables MAP-E for a branch site with NFX150 as the CPE device, the device uses this manufacturer code to obtain the MAP-E rules from the MAP-E rule server.