Add SD-WAN Breakout Profiles
Read the Understand Breakout in CSO topic for high-level overview of breakout in Contrail Service Orchestration (CSO).
You can add SD-WAN breakout profiles either in the Administration Portal (SP Administrator or OpCo Administrator users only) or in Customer Portal. By default, for SD-WAN Advanced deployments, CSO adds a cloud breakout profile. The availability of the profile depends on the role of the user adding the breakout profile:
Breakout profiles added by the SP Administrator are available to all tenants, OpCos, and the OpCo’s tenants.
Breakout profiles added by the OpCo Administrator are available only to that OpCo and the OpCo’s tenants.
Breakout profiles added in the tenant scope or by the Tenant Administrator are available only for the tenant.
To add an SD-WAN breakout profile:
After you add an SD-WAN breakout profile, you must add an SD-WAN policy intent and then deploy the SD-WAN policy to ensure that traffic breaks out locally from the WAN link that you configured for local breakout.
Field |
Guideline |
Type |
Select the type of breakout profile that you want to add:
Name |
Enter a unique name for the breakout profile. You can use alphanumeric characters and hyphens (-); the maximum length is 15 characters. |
Description |
Enter a description for the breakout profile. |
Traffic Type Profile |
Select a traffic type profile to apply class of service (CoS) parameters to the breakout traffic. |
Preferred Path |
Select the preferred path (MPLS, Internet, or Any) to be used for breaking out the traffic. If a WAN link type that matches the preferred path is enabled for breakout, then that WAN link type is used for breakout traffic. If you specify that any path can be used, then there is no preference and all WAN links that are enabled for breakout are used in a load-balancing mode. |
Advanced Configuration |
You can optionally configure parameters for rate limiting the breakout traffic for cacheable applications. |
Upstream Rate |
Enter the maximum upstream rate (in Kbps) for all cacheable applications associated with the breakout profile. |
Upstream Burst Size |
Enter the maximum size (in bytes) of a steady stream of traffic sent at average rates that exceed the upstream rate limit for short periods. |
Downstream Rate |
Enter the maximum downstream rate (in Kbps) for all cacheable applications associated with the breakout profile. |
Downstream Burst Size |
Enter the maximum size (in bytes) of a steady stream of traffic sent at average rates that exceed the downstream rate limit for short periods. |
Loss Priority |
Select a loss priority based on which packets are dropped or retained when network congestion occurs. Packet drops are most likely when the loss priority is High and least likely when the loss priority is Low. |