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Configuring 4WTO Port Parameters for CTP Bundles (CTPView)

date_range 26-May-23

For CTP bundles, you can configure a 4WTO daughter card installed on a serial interface module.

You can set up 4WTO daughter cards to interoperate with Multiservice Interface modules. Interoperability of Multiservice Interface modules with 4WTO daughter cards requires the following:

  • Firmware revision 4 or later on the 4WTO daughter card.

  • CTPView releases 3.4R4 or 4.x.

  • CTPOS release 6.0 or later.

  • Channel 1 cannot be configured as the channel option.

Before you begin:

  • Log in to the CTPView software at least at the Net_Admin level.

  • Connect the CTPView server to the CTP device for which you want to configure bundles.

To configure port parameters for 4WTO daughter cards for CTP bundles using CTPView:

  1. In the side pane, select Bundle > Configuration.
  2. Run your mouse over the Display and Select an Existing Bundle bar.
  3. In the table of bundles, select the bundle that you want to modify.
  4. Under Port Options, configure the parameters as described in Table 1.

  5. Click Click to Submit Bundle AND Port Changes.
Table 1: CTP Bundle 4WTO Port Parameter Settings in CTPView
Field Function Your Action

Port Description

Specifies a description for the port.

Enter a description of up to 64 alphanumeric characters. Do not use the following characters:

( ; ' " ) ]

I/F Mode

Specifies that the interface is connected to a data communication equipment (DCE) device.

Select DCE.

I/F Type

Specifies the daughter card as the interface type.

Select DCARD.

Channel Options

Specifies the voice channel or channels to enable on the 4WTO daughter card.

Each CTP port with the daughter card installed can support either one or two channels.

Select one:

  • Channel 0—Enables only channel 0.

  • Channel 1—Enables only channel 1.

  • Dual Channel—Enables both channel 0 and channel 1.

Output Level

Specifies the output level for the 4WTO daughter card.

Note the following information about the values:

  • 0—Gain is 2:3 (signal is attenuated 33% or 1.8 dB).

  • 25—Unity gain, which means there is no attenuation or gain.

  • 255—Gain is 4:1 (signal is amplified 400% or 6 dB).

Intermediate values are derived with linear interpolation. The actual gain depends on the impedance of the attached device.

Enter a number from 0 through 255.

Input Level

Specifies the input level for the 4WTO daughter card.

Note the following information about the values:

  • 0—Setting the value to 0 attenuates the signal 33% (1.8 dB).

  • 25—This is the default and the unity value (no attenuation or gain).

  • 255—Setting the value to 255 amplifies the signal 400% (6 dB).

Note the following information about the values:

  • 0—Gain is 2:3 (signal is attenuated 33% or 1.8 dB).

  • 25—Unity gain, which means there is no attenuation or gain.

  • 255—Gain is 4:1 (signal is amplified 400% or 6 dB).

Intermediate values are derived with linear interpolation. The actual gain depends on the impedance of the attached device.

Enter a number from 0 through 255.

Port Speed


Enter a number from 0.00100 through 12880.00000 KHz.

Talk Squelch

Enables or disables the active squelch function on the circuit.

If enabled, specifies whether the squelch is active or inactive.

The squelch function gates local audio output when DSR-A (channel 1) or RTS-A (channel 0) inputs are active or inactive.

Select one:

  • DISABLED—Disables the active squelch function on the circuit

  • ENABLED/ACTIVE—Squelch input is grounded and analog output is disabled.

  • ENABLED/INACTIVE—No signal is applied to the squelch input. Input is open and analog output is possible.

MS Interwork

Enables or disables interoperability of the 4WTO daughter card with Multiservice Interface modules.

When you enable interoperability of the 4WTO daughter card with Multiservice Interface modules, the port speed for the bundle is set as follows:

  • 64 when only channel 0 is enabled.

  • 128 when dual channel is enabled.

  • ENABLED—Interoperability with the Multiservice Interface module is enabled.

  • DISABLED—Interoperability with the Multiservice Interface module is disabled.

Clock Cfg

Specifies the type of clocking for the port.

To prevent voice channels from generating occasional noise bursts caused by unsynchronized nodes, we recommend that you configure one end of the voice port (not both) for adaptive clocking or lock both ends to clock references.

Select one:

  • Custom—Custom clocking configuration is used.

  • Voice/IRIG-B Master End—This end of the circuit generates a clock signal and sends it to the remote end.

  • Voice/IRIG-B Slave End—This end of the circuit receives the clock signal from the remote end. The client clock uses its period to determine when to sample data and how to transmit data across the link.
