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Managing User Passwords (CTPView Server Menu)

You can display user accounts and password settings, configure various aging criteria for user passwords, and specify the rules for forming passwords.

Before you begin, log in to the CTPView server, and access the CTPView Configuration Menu. See Accessing the CTPView Server Configuration Menu (CTPView Server Menu).

To manage user passwords, you must first access the Password Management Menu:

  1. From the CTPView Configuration Menu, select 1) Security Profile.

  2. Select 2) Password Management.

    The Password Management Menu is displayed.

Listing User Accounts (CTPView Server Menu)

The usernames for the accounts are listed according to their classification, Administrator or User..

To list the usernames for CTPView server accounts:

  • From the Password Management Menu, select 1) List user & admin accounts.

Displaying Password Expiration Settings (CTPView Server Menu)

To display the current password expiration settings for a user account:

  • From the Password Management Menu, select 2) Display password expiration details.

Table 1 describes the information listed in the output.

Table 1: CTPView User Password Expiration Settings
Field Description

Account is/is not locked

Status of the account. Locked accounts cannot access CTPView server.


Minimum number of days that must elapse before the user can change this password, in the range 1 through 60.


Maximum number of days that this password is valid.


Number of days before password expiration that the user is warned of the impending expiration.


Number of days of inactivity after the password expires before the account is locked out (unable to access CTPView server)

Last Change

Date that this password was last changed.

Password Expires

Date that this password expires. Calculated by counting the Maximum value from the Last Change date.

Password Inactive

Date that this password becomes inactive. Calculated by counting the Inactive value from the Password Expires date.

Account Expires

Date that the account expires.

Changing Password Expiration Settings (CTPView Server Menu)

To change the password expiration settings for a user account:

  1. From the Password Management Menu, select 3) Manage password requirements.
  2. Enter the password expiration values when prompted.

    Each prompt provides a description and range for the value.

Displaying Password Requirements (CTPView Server Menu)

To display the current requirements for forming a password:

  • From the Password Management Menu, select 4) Show password requirements.

The output lists the minimum password length, the minimum number of lowercase letters, uppercase letters, numerals, and nonalphanumeric characters; and the number of times a user can attempt to enter the correct password before being blocked.

Changing Password Requirements (CTPView Server Menu)

User passwords have strict criteria. You must include a nonzero minimum of lowercase letters, uppercase letters, numerals, and certain nonalphanumeric characters. You must also set the number of times a user can enter the password incorrectly before being blocked from access.

To change the requirements for forming a password:

  1. From the Password Management Menu, select 5) Manage password requirements.
  2. Enter values for the password requirements when prompted.

    Each prompt provides a description and range for the value.