An access control list (ACL) is a sequential collection
of permit and deny conditions that you can use to filter inbound or
outbound routes. You can use different kinds of access lists to filter
routes based on The router compares each route's IP address against
the conditions in the list, one-by-one. If the first match is for
a permit condition, the route is accepted or passed. If the first
match is for a deny condition, the route is rejected or blocked. The
order of conditions is critical because testing stops with the first
match. If no conditions match, the router rejects or blocks the address;
that is, the last action of any list is an implicit deny condition
for all routes.
You can define an access list to permit or deny routes on the
basis of the IP address or the range of IP addresses. Each access
list is a set of permit or deny conditions (based on how they match
a route's address) for a route. A zero in the wildcard mask means
that the corresponding bit in the address must be exactly matched
by the route. A one in the wildcard mask means that the corresponding
bit in the address does not have to be matched by the route. You can
also specify a range of IP addresses, by entering the starting IP
address and the ending IP address in the range separated by a hyphen
(-), if you want to enable or disallow traffic from a set of IP addresses.
Best Practice: We recommend that you modify the IP ACLs during
periods of relatively low traffic to minimize network disruptions
and outages in processing packets.
- From the CTPView Configuration Menu, select 6) PostgreSQL Functions.
- Select 6) IP ACL Function.
The IP ACL Function menu is displayed, which enables you to create
a new ACL, delete a previously configured ACL, and view all the ACLs
configured on your CTP device.
CTPView Configuration Menu
Please choose a menu item from the following list:
0) Exit CTPView Configuration Menu
1) Security Profile
2) System Configuration
3) Port Forwarding
4) Advanced Functions
5) Backup Functions
6) PostgreSQL Functions
7) CTPView Access Functions
8) GRUB Functions
9) AAA Functions
Please input your choice [0]: 6
CTPView version 7.2R1-rc3 151120
Server: ctpview Date: Mon Dec 7 06:00:20 2015
Release: CentOS release 5.11 (Final)
Kernel: 2.6.18-406.el5
User root logged in from as root
PostgreSQL Menu
Please choose a menu item from the following list:
0) Return to previous menu
1) Change PostgreSQL Administrator password
2) Change PostgreSQL Apache password
3) Restart PostgreSQL Server
4) Initialize Web UI Template Accounts
5) IP ACL Function
6) Upgrade Database Structures
Please input your choice [0]: 5
CTPView version 7.2R1-rc3 151120
Server: ctpview Date: Mon Dec 7 06:00:23 2015
Release: CentOS release 5.11 (Final)
Kernel: 2.6.18-406.el5
User root logged in from as root
IP ACL Function Menu
Please choose a menu item from the following list:
0) Return to previous menu
1) Add
2) Remove
3) Show
Please input your choice [0]: 1
Enter the IP or IP range[e.g 10.0.1-23.*]:
Specify the permission
0) Deny
1) Allow
Please input your choice [0]: 0
IP range/ IP address added successfully...
Hit return to continue...
- Select 1) Add
- Follow the onscreen instructions and configure the options
as described inTable 1.
- Press
to proceed to the next step of
removing any of the configured IP ACLs. The IP ACL Function menu is
- Select 2) Remove. The IP address
ranges or IP addresses for which you previously configured ACLs are
CTPView version 7.2R1-rc3 151120
Server: ctpview Date: Mon Dec 7 06:01:04 2015
Release: CentOS release 5.11 (Final)
Kernel: 2.6.18-406.el5
User root logged in from as root
IP ACL Function Menu
Please choose a menu item from the following list:
0) Return to previous menu
1) Add
2) Remove
3) Show
Please input your choice [0]: 2
Current listing of IP range :
0) Return to previous menu
1) *.*.*.*
Please input your choice [0]:2
IP range/ IP address removed successfully...
Hit return to continue...
- From the list of IP addresses displayed, select a number
pertaining to your choice. Enter the number next to the
input your choice [0]
field. If you select 0, you are returned to the previous menu. After you enter a number pertaining to your choice in the menu,
a confirmation message is displayed stating that the selected IP address
or range is successfully deleted.
- Press
to proceed to the next step of
viewing all the configured IP ACLs. The IP ACL Function menu is displayed.
- Select 3) Show. All the configured
IP addresses and their corresponding permissions are displayed. The
access modifier or permission of 1 denotes permit, and 0 denotes deny.
CTPView version 7.2R1-rc3 151120
Server: ctpview Date: Mon Dec 7 06:01:14 2015
Release: CentOS release 5.11 (Final)
Kernel: 2.6.18-406.el5
User root logged in from as root
IP ACL Function Menu
Please choose a menu item from the following list:
0) Return to previous menu
1) Add
2) Remove
3) Show
Please input your choice [0]: 3
All database entries:
| iprange | permission |
| *.*.*.* | 1 |
| | 0 |
Hit return to continue...