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Saving Event Search Criteria

You can save configured search criteria so that you can reuse the criteria and use the saved search criteria in other components, such as reports. Saved search criteria does not expire.

To save the event search criteria:

  1. Click the Log Activity tab.
  2. On the toolbar, click Save Criteria.
  3. In the Search Name field, type Example Search 1.
  4. In the Timespan options pane, click Recent.
  5. In the Recent list, select Last 6 Hours.
  6. Click Include in my Quick Searches.
  7. Click Include in my Dashboard.

    If Include in my Dashboard is not displayed, click Search >Edit Search to verify that you selected Event Name in the Column Definition pane.

  8. Click OK.

Configure a time series chart. For more information, see Configuring a Time Series Chart.