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GET /config/certificates/end_certificates

SUMMARY Gets the list of deployed certificates.

Gets the list of all certificates that are uploaded and deployed.

You must have System Administrator, Security Administrator, Manage Log Sources, or WinCollect permissions to use this endpoint.

Table 1: GET /config/certificates/end_certificates resource details:

GET /config/certificates/end_certificates resource details



Table 2: GET /config/certificates/end_certificates request parameter details:

GET /config/certificates/end_certificates request parameter details

Parameter Type Optionality Data Type MIME Type Description






Optional - Use this parameter to specify which fields you would like to get back in the response. Fields that are not named are excluded. Specify subfields in brackets and multiple fields in the same object are separated by commas.






Optional - This parameter is used to restrict the elements in a list base on the contents of various fields.






Optional - Use this parameter to restrict the number of elements that are returned in the list to a specified range. The list is indexed starting at zero.

Table 3: GET /config/certificates/end_certificates response codes:

GET /config/certificates/end_certificates response codes

HTTP Response Code Unique Code Description


An array of the certificate resources.










Response Description

A list of end certificate resources that are uploaded and deployed. The list is filtered based on the user permissions.  Users with System Administrator or Security Administrator permissions can see all certificates that are in the system.  Other administrative users can see the certificates that are mapped to the component for which they have permissions. For example, users who have the Log Source Manage permission can see only the certificates that apply to the Log Source component.

Non-administrative users see only the certificate name and ID. All other fields appear as 'null'.

The certificate object has the following fields:
  • id - Certificate resource ID.
  • name - A unique name that identifies the certificate.
  • purpose - The intended use of the certificate.
  • status - Indicates the status of the certificate upload process. The status values are DEPLOYED and DELETE_PENDING.
  • subject - Returns information about the subject of the certificate.
  • issuer - Returns information about the issuer of the certificate.
  • expiry - Returns the "Validity Not After" field of the certificate, represented as the number of milliseconds since UNIX epoch.
  • password - Password that is used to encrypt the private key. This value is always null in the response.
  • component_id - Returns the assigned component ID of the certificate.
  • validation - Returns the code to indicate whether the certificate is valid. If not, it returns the reason that the certificate is not valid.
    • -1 - The certificate has not been validated.
    • 0 - The certificate is valid or has not been checked.
    • 2001 - Error parsing a certificate.
    • 2002 - Error decoding a certificate.
    • 2003 - The certificate is expired.
    • 2004 - The certificate is not yet valid.
    • 2005 - The certificate is revoked.
    • 2010 - An unexpected error occurred when processing a certificate.
    • 2011 - Error finding the issuer certificates.
    • 2012 - The certificate's key usage or extended key usage does not match its purpose.
    • 2013 - Error validating the full chain of the certificate.
    • 2014 - The certificate is an invalid self-signed certificate.
    • 2020 - The CRL is invalid.
    • 2030 - Unexpected error when processing the CRL.
    • 2031 - Error finding the issuer certificates for the CRL.
    • 2032 - The issuer does not have the CRL sign usage.
    • 2033 - Error validating the CRL.
    • 2034 - The CRL is expired.

Response Sample