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POST /config/domain_management/domains

SUMMARY Creates a new domain.

Creates a new domain. You must have the System Administrator or Security Administrator permissions to call this endpoint.

Table 1: POST /config/domain_management/domains resource details:

POST /config/domain_management/domains resource details



Table 2: POST /config/domain_management/domains request parameter details:

POST /config/domain_management/domains request parameter details

Parameter Type Optionality Data Type MIME Type Description






Optional - Use this parameter to specify which fields you would like to get back in the response. Fields that are not named are excluded. Specify subfields in brackets and multiple fields in the same object are separated by commas.

Table 3: POST /config/domain_management/domains request body details:

POST /config/domain_management/domains request body details

Parameter Data Type MIME Type Description Sample




Creates a new domain.
  • name - String - The name of the new domain.
  • description - String - The description of the new domain
  • tenant_id - Integer - The tenant ID of the new domain.
  • event_collector_ids - Array of Longs - The list of event collector IDs for the new domain.
  • log_source_ids - Array of Longs - The list of log source IDs for the new domain.
  • log_source_group_ids - Array of Longs - The list of log source group IDs for the new domain.
  • custom_properties - Array of Custom Properties - The list of custom properties for the new domain.
  • flow_source_ids - Array of Longs - The list of flow source IDs for the new domain.
  • flow_collector_ids - Array of Longs - The list of flow source collector IDs for the new domain.
  • asset_scanner_ids - Array of Longs - The list of asset scanner IDs for the new domain.
  • qvm_scanner_ids - Array of Longs - The list of QVM scanner IDs for the new domain.
  • flow_vlans_ids - Array of Longs - The list of flow VLAN IDs for the new domain.

{ "asset_scanner_ids": [42], "custom_properties": [{"capture_result": "String", "id": 42}], "deleted": true, "description": "String", "event_collector_ids": [42], "flow_collector_ids": [42], "flow_source_ids": [42], "flow_vlan_ids": [42], "log_source_group_ids": [42], "log_source_ids": [42], "name": "String", "qvm_scanner_ids": [42], "tenant_id": 42 }

Table 4: POST /config/domain_management/domains response codes:

POST /config/domain_management/domains response codes

HTTP Response Code Unique Code Description


The domain has been successfully created.



A domain object parameter already exists.



A domain object parameter is invalid.



An error occurred while the domain was being created.

Response Description

A created domain object.
  • id - Integer - The ID of the domain.
  • name - String - The name of the domain.
  • description - String - The description given to the domain.
  • tenant_id - Integer - The ID of the tenant that this domain belongs to.
  • deleted - Boolean - Whether or not the domain has been deleted.
  • event_collector_ids - Array of Longs - The list of event collector IDs that are assigned to this domain.
  • log_source_ids - Array of Longs - The list of log source IDs that are assigned to this domain.
  • log_source_group_ids - Array of Longs - The list of log source group IDs that are assigned to this domain.
  • custom_properties - Array of Custom Properties - The list of custom properties that are assigned to this domain.
  • flow_source_ids - Array of Longs - The list of flow source IDs that are assigned to this domain.
  • flow_collector_ids - Array of Longs - The list of flow collector IDs that are assigned to this domain.
  • asset_scanner_ids - Array of Longs - The list of asset scanner IDs that are assigned to this domain.
  • qvm_scanner_ids - Array of Longs - The list of QVM scanner IDs that are assigned to this domain..
  • flow_vlans_ids - Array of Longs - The list of flow VLAN IDs that are assigned to this domain.

Response Sample