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POST /config/flow/common_destination_ports/active_configurations/{id}

SUMMARY Updates the active configuration for a common destination port, as specified by the ID.

Updates the active configuration for a common destination port, as specified by the ID. You must have System Administrator or Security Admin permissions to use this endpoint.

Table 1: POST /config/flow/common_destination_ports/active_configurations/{id} resource details:

POST /config/flow/common_destination_ports/active_configurations/{id} resource details



Table 2: POST /config/flow/common_destination_ports/active_configurations/{id} request parameter details:

POST /config/flow/common_destination_ports/active_configurations/{id} request parameter details

Parameter Type Optionality Data Type MIME Type Description




Number (Integer)


The ID of the active configuration to update.

Table 3: POST /config/flow/common_destination_ports/active_configurations/{id} request body details:

POST /config/flow/common_destination_ports/active_configurations/{id} request body details

Parameter Data Type MIME Type Description Sample




Only port, application_id, content_capture_size, app_detection_enabled and flow_direciton_enabled fields can be set when creating an active Common Destination Port configuration. All other fields are ignored.
  • port - Integer - The unique port number to configure.
  • application_id - Long - The application ID for this port configuration. The application ID for this port configuration that is used by the JSA port-based mapping algorithm.
  • content_capture_size - Integer - The maximum amount of payload to capture and store for an application on this port. Set this value to 1 if you want the application to inherit the content capture size from the SV_CONTENT_CAPTURE_LENGTH field in the nva.conf file.
  • app_detection_enabled - Boolean - TRUE if the port configuration will be used to determine the application. If true, you must set the application_id.
  • flow_direction_enabled - Boolean - TRUE if the port configuration will be used to determine the flow direction.

{ "app_detection_enabled": true, "application_id": 42, "content_capture_size": 42, "flow_direction_enabled": true, "port": 42 }

Table 4: POST /config/flow/common_destination_ports/active_configurations/{id} response codes:

POST /config/flow/common_destination_ports/active_configurations/{id} response codes

HTTP Response Code Unique Code Description


The active common destination port configuration was updated.



A active configuration for the specified port number does not exist.









The application ID is not valid.



The content capture size must be between 0 and 65535 (inclusive).



An error occurred while update the active Common Destination Port configuration.

Response Description

The updated active Common Destination Port Configuration for the specified ID. An active Common Destination Port Configuration object contains the following fields:
  • id - Long - The unique ID of the configuration.
  • port - Integer - The unique port number that you want to configure.
  • application_id - Long - The application ID for this port configuration. The application ID for this port configuration that is used by the JSA port-based mapping algorithm.
  • application_name - String - The name of the application as it would appear on the Network Activity tab.
  • content_capture_size - Integer - The maximum amount of payload to capture and store for an application on this port. Set this value to 1 if you want the application to inherit the content capture size from the SV_CONTENT_CAPTURE_LENGTH field in the nva.conf file.
  • app_detection_enabled - Boolean - TRUE if the port configuration will be used to determine the application. If true, you must set the application_id.
  • flow_direction_enabled - Boolean - TRUE if the port configuration will be used to determine the flow direction.
  • uuid - String - The unique global ID of the configuration, specified as a UUID.
  • last_update_time - Long - The epoch timestamp, represented in milliseconds, since this configuration was last modified.

Response Sample