Memory and Backup Notifications for JSA Appliances
Backup Unable to Complete a Request
38750033 - Backup: Not enough free disk
space to perform the backup.
Disk Sentry is responsible for monitoring system disk and storage issues. Before a backup begins, Disk Sentry checks the available disk space to determine whether the backup can complete successfully. If the free disk space is less than two times the size of the last backup, the backup is canceled. By default, backups are stored in /store/backup.
User Response
To resolve this issue, select one of the following options:
Free up disk space on your appliance to allow enough space for a backup to complete in /store/backup.
Configure your existing backups to use a partition with free disk space.
Configure more storage for your appliance. For more information, see the Juniper Secure Anaytics Configuring Offboard Storage Guide.
Backup Unable to Run a Request
38750035 - Backup: Unable to Execute
Backup Request.
A backup cannot start or cannot complete for one of the following reasons:
The system is unable to clean the backup replication synchronization table.
The system is unable to run a delete request.
The system is unable to synchronize backup with the files that are on the disk.
The NFS-mounted backup directory is not available or has incorrect NFS export options (
).The system cannot initialize on-demand backup.
The system cannot retrieve configuration for the type of backup that is selected.
Cannot initialize a scheduled backup.
User Response
Manually start a backup to determine whether the failure reoccurs. If multiple backups fail to start, contact Juniper Customer Support.
Device Backup Failure
38750098 - Either a failure occurred
while attempting to backup a device, or the backup was cancelled.
The error is commonly caused by configuration errors in the configuration source management (CSM) or if a backup is canceled by a user.
User Response
Select one of the following options:
Review the credentials and address sets in CSM to ensure that the appliance can log in.
Verify the protocol that is configured to connect to your network device is valid.
Ensure that your network device and version is supported.
Verify that your network device connects to the appliance.
Verify that the most current adapters are installed.
Last Backup Exceeded the Allowed Time Limit
38750059 - Backup: The last scheduled
backup exceeded execution threshold.
The time limit is determined by the backup priority that you assign during configuration.
User Response
Select one of the following options:
Edit the backup configuration to extend the time limit that is configured to complete the backup. Do not extend over 24 hours.
Edit the failed backup and change the priority level to a higher priority. Higher priority levels allocate more system resources to completing the backup.
Backup Unable to Find Storage Directory Error
38750164 - Backup: Unable to find storage
directory error.
The Backup Repository Path determines where backups
are stored. By default, backups are stored in /store/
. Administrators can configure the Backup
Repository Path parameter on the Backup Recovery Configuration page on the Admin tab. If the system can't detect the Backup Repository Path, the backup can't complete successfully.
For example, the path might not be found if there is an external storage
mount failure.
User Response
To resolve this issue, select one of the following options:
On the Backup Recovery Configuration page, change the value for the Backup Repository Path to a file path that exists and has enough storage space for a backup. Deploy your changes, and then run the backup again.
If the Backup Repository Path is pointing to external storage, verify that the mounted storage failed. If so, resolve the storage mount issue, and then run the backup again.
Out Of Memory Error
38750004 - Application ran
out of memory
When JSA components attempt to use more than the amount allocated for memory, the application or service can stop working. Out of memory issues are caused by software, or user-defined queries and operations that exhaust the available memory.
User Response
Review the following resolutions:
Review the error message that is written to the /var/log/qradar.log file to determine which component failed.
If the Ariel proxy server is searching through large amounts of data or is using a grouping option that generates unique values in the search results, reduce the number of unique values or reduce the time frame of the search.
If the accumulator is generating a time series graph with many aggregated unique values, reduce the size of the query.
If a protocol-based log source is recently enabled, decrease the polling period to reduce the data queried. If multiple protocol-based log sources are running at the same time, stagger the start times.
If a rule recently changed to track unique properties over long periods of time, reduce the time frame by half or reduce the number of matching events by adding another filter.
Out Of Memory Error and Erroneous Application Restarted
38750055 - Out of Memory: system restored,
erroneous application has been restarted.
An application or service ran out of memory and was restarted. Out of memory issues are commonly caused by software issues or user-defined queries.
User Response
Review the following resolutions:
Review the error message that is written to the /var/log/qradar.log file to determine which component failed.
If the Ariel proxy server is searching through large amounts of data or is using a grouping option that generates unique values in the search results, reduce the number of unique values or reduce the time frame of the search.
If the accumulator is generating a time series graph with many aggregated unique values, reduce the size of the query.
If a protocol-based log source is recently enabled, decrease the polling period to reduce the data queried. If multiple protocol-based log sources are running at the same time, stagger the start times.
If a rule recently changed to track unique properties over long periods of time, reduce the time frame by half or reduce the number of matching events by adding another filter.