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Public Use Case Manager API Workflows

Use these workflows to download report data to CSV or JSON files.

Workflow to generate a paginated result in JSON

Use this workflow to generate the Use Case Explorer report as a JSON array in a page by page format. The workflow uses the API endpoints in the order that is described in the following table:



POST /api/use_case_explorer

Generates a Use Case Explorer report and returns a reportId. You must use this endpoint first when you start report generation. Fill the body of the request with the report columns and any filters or table groupings you want in the generated report. Use the returned reportId value in other API calls in the workflow.

GET /api/use_case_explorer/{reportId}/status

Returns the status of /api/use_case_explorer. Use the endpoint to see whether your report generation succeeded or failed.

GET /api/use_case_explorer/{reportId}/result

Returns the result of /api/use_case_explorer in a paginated JSON array. Include the reportId value that is returned from the /api/use_case_explorer endpoint in the path to get your result.

Workflow to generate and download reports in CSV

This workflow uses the API endpoints in the order that is described in the following table:



POST /api/use_case_explorer

Generates a Use Case Explorer report and returns a reportId. You must use this endpoint first when you start report generation. Fill the body of the request with the report columns and any filters or table groupings you want in the generated report. Use the returned reportId value in other API calls in the workflow.

GET /api/use_case_explorer/{reportId}/status

Returns the status of /api/use_case_explorer. Use the endpoint to see whether your report generation completed or failed.

POST /api/use_case_explorer/{reportId}/download_csv

Starts the download of a Use Case Explorer report CSV file. Include the reportId value of the /api/use_case_explorer result in the path and fill the body of the request with your selected column codes, sort parameters, rule IDs, or search parameters to get a jobId.

GET /api/use_case_explorer/download_csv/{jobId}/status

Checks the status of a Use Case Explorer report CSV file download job. Include the jobId value returned from the /api/use_case_explorer/{reportId}/download_csv endpoint in the path to get a status on whether your job completed or failed.

GET /api/use_case_explorer/download_csv/{jobId}/result

Returns the Use Case Explorer report in a CSV file if the /api/use_case_explorer/download_csv/{jobId}/status endpoint returns a 'Completed' status. Include the jobId value that is returned by the /api/use_case_explorer/{reportId}/download_csv endpoint and the name you want for your CSV file in the query to get a download link for your CSV file.

Workflow to generate and download reports in JSON

This workflow uses the API endpoints in the order that is described in the following table:



POST /api/use_case_explorer

Generates a Use Case Explorer report and returns a reportId. You must use this endpoint first when you start report generation. Fill the body of the request with the report columns and any filters or table groupings you want in the generated report. Use the returned reportId value in other API endpoints in the workflow.

GET /api/use_case_explorer/{reportId}/status

Returns the status of /api/use_case_explorer. Use the endpoint to see whether your report generation succeeded or failed.

POST /api/use_case_explorer/{reportId}/download_json

Downloads the Use Case Explorer report as a JSON file. Include the reportId value of the /api/use_case_explorer endpoint in the path and fill the body with your selected column codes, sort parameters, rule IDs, or search parameters to get a jobId.

GET /api/use_case_explorer/download_json/{jobId}/status

Checks the status of a Use Case Explorer report JSON file download job. Include the jobId value returned from the /api/use_case_explorer/{reportId}/download_json endpoint in the path to get a status on whether your job completed or failed.

GET /api/use_case_explorer/download_json/{jobId}/result

Returns the final result of the Use Case Explorer JSON file after the /api/use_case_explorer/download_json/{jobId}/status endpoint returns a 'Completed' status. Include the jobId value that is returned by the /api/use_case_explorer/{reportId}/download_json endpoint and the name you want for your JSON file in the query to get a download link for your JSON file.