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Investigating Vulnerability Risk Scores

  1. Click the Vulnerabilities tab.

  2. In the navigation pane, click Manage Vulnerabilities.

  3. Click the Risk Score column to sort your vulnerabilities by risk.

  4. To investigate the risk score, hover you mouse on a vulnerability risk score.

In JSA Vulnerability Manager, you can investigate vulnerability risk scores and understand how each score is calculated.

Risk Score Details

In JSA Vulnerability Manager, vulnerability risk scores provide an indication of the risk that a vulnerability poses to your organization.

Using JSA Risk Manager, you can configure policies that adjust vulnerability risk scores and draw attention to important remediation tasks.

Risk Score

The Risk Score provides specific network context by using the Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) base, temporal, and environmental metrics.

When JSA Risk Manager is not used to manage risk, the Risk Score column shows the CVSS environmental metric score with a maximum value of 10.

Risk Adjustments

If JSA Risk Manager is installed and you configured vulnerability risk policies, then the risk adjustments are listed. The adjustments either increase or decrease the overall risk that is associated with a vulnerability.