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Management Of Your Vulnerabilities

In JSA Vulnerability Manager, you can manage, search, and filter your vulnerability data to help you focus on the vulnerabilities that pose the greatest risk to your organization.

The vulnerability data that is displayed is based on the vulnerability status information that is maintained in the JSA asset model. This information includes vulnerabilities that are found by the JSA Vulnerability Manager scanner and the vulnerabilities that are imported from external scanning products.

Manage your vulnerabilities to provide the following information:

  • A network view of your current vulnerability posture.

  • Identify vulnerabilities that pose the greatest risk to your organization and assign vulnerabilities to JSA users for remediation.

  • Establish how widely your network is impacted by vulnerabilities and display detailed information about the network assets that contain vulnerabilities.

  • Decide which vulnerabilities pose less risk to your organization and create vulnerability exceptions.

  • Display historical information about the vulnerabilities on your network.

  • Display vulnerability data by network, asset, vulnerability, open service, or vulnerability instance.