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Migrating WinCollect Agents After a JSA Hardware Upgrade

Migrating WinCollect agents after a JSA hardware upgrade After a JSA hardware upgrade, you need to generate a new authorization token for your WinCollect agents and update their install_config files.

  1. Generate an authentication token. For more information, see Creating an Authentication Token for WinCollect Agents.
  2. Update the \WinCollect\config\install_config.txt file with the IP address of your new Console.
  3. Run the following command, where <auth_token> is the authentication token that you generated in 1.

    C:\Program Files\IBM\WinCollect\bin\InstallHelper.exe -T <auth_token> -a "C:\Program Files\IBM\WinCollect\config\install_config_autocreate.txt" C:\Program Files\IBM\WinCollect\ bin\InstallHelper.exe -T xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx -a "C:\Program Files\IBM\WinCollect\config\install_config_autocreate.txt”

  4. Restart the WinCollect agent.